So this past Wednesday we moved house. It was a simple move, from downstairs in our house to upstairs. We went from having an apartment on the first floor with one second floor room to an apartment on the second floor with three bedrooms on the third floor.
We thought it was bigger. We did not realise *how much* bigger. We have a totally lovely guest room and hobby room space now, which is really exciting.
Well, okay, we don't have it yet, as it is completely flooded with all our displaced books from every emptied bookshelf and the couple dozen boxes that got dumped in there toward the end of the day when it got to a point of not being able to make it up the second flight of stairs any longer.
Speaking of which, ow. In prior moves, I'd always had my arms and shoulders sore afterward, which, y'know, is a thing, but was livable. This time in addition to those, my legs are completely dead. SO MANY STAIRS. It took us just about five hours worth of purely shifting things up and down stairs. 36 hours later, only now can I *sit down* without wincing, it turns out standing up, though, is a different matter. Also I can now climb stairs, but descending is a bit of an affair. *pathetic*
Anyhow. We're all really happy with the apartment and with the fact that our rude, loud, unfamiliar-with-how-civilization-works former upstairs neighbours are gone. The downstairs folks seem nice, and we're looking forward to having people as neighbours who believe in *discussion* as a method of problem solving, rather than insisting there's no problem, or in response to a request for modification, intentionally modifying the situation *in the opposite direction.*
Whee. Also, y'know, they seem much less likely to start out with issues like having their friends over for a drunken party at 3 AM on a Wednesday. So that's good.
In other fun news, I have a new phone as of yesterday. Same number as before, though. I got a Samsung Infuse. It is kind of largish, but it's thin and light. It's actually sort of like a mini-tablet that happens to also be a phone. Thus far I love it. I can actually *see* things on it. With the old phone, I'd get requests for "what's going on with X" where "X" would be in a screen shot, and at that point, good freaking luck, I have *no idea* what's going on there. I am trying to restrain myself in terms of number of apps I put on this phone. But it's so shiny!
So the long and the short: life is good. Looking forward to unboxing our lives again. Totally looking forward to more shiny phone playtimes. Just wish my calves would stop hurting.