In which plans to discuss Augustine and the Carthaginian Empire go, if you will, by the "wayside"

Dec 07, 2004 11:00

We've all seen it before: make a random playlist in the Digital Music Player of your Choice, select your favorite lyrics, post, and let readers guess. Obviously Googling is cheating.

1. "Let your tub overflow / If a date waits below / Let him wait for Godot / By the rail, / Come by mail, / C.O.D." Oh my, oh my -- after clarification, we have to accept the cryptic comment below as a correct answer from LiveJournal User practicecactus for this one. Good work!

2. "Life is often so unpleasant / You must know that as a peasant. / Let us take the moment present / As a present for the moment." maidofspades

3. "I'm so tired of being without / And never knowing what love's about / James Moody you can come on in and you can blow now if you want to / We're through."

4. "You've just run out of luck / I don't care what you fox- / Hounds do..." maidofspades

5. "The murmur of a brook at eventide, / That ripples by a nook where two lovers hide, / A great symphonic theme..." We'll accept that answer from practicecactus

I also saw the movie "Closer," and wrote a long, complicated response, which upon rereading I decided deserved a LiveJournal Cut of its own, and which upon rereading again I cut entirely. Suffice it to say that years ago, someone told me that one of the parts in the play seemed to be written for me; I never bothered reading the play, but now that I've seen the movie, I'm rather eager to find out which role my friend had in mind.
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