As I continue to write...
I hit the ground at a run and started to slow to a normal pace waiting for Shadow to keep up. We where at the very edge of the dark forest when Shadow grabbed my arm to keep me from walking in. “Princess, I must insist that you stay by my side at all times, do not stray or go to far behind or too far in front. I fear the forest is not safe.” Seeing the caution in his face and his posture stiffen with awareness, sent a fleeting thrill of fear through me.
We began our careful way to the forest haven. Once or twice I would see something move and realize it was just a leaf, and begrudge myself for overreacting. We finally reached The Wall, as we called it. In order to reach the Forest Haven you first have to part the heavy enchantments surrounding the area and only the Sidhe could do that, if the lesser weaker fey needed to get in they must depend on a Sidhe to open it for them. Shadow parted the raw magick and ushered me in. The second I walked through the vines came down to me to “say hello.” They would always come down and caress my hair, arms and face as I walked by as a way to say welcome back. The vines shrunk away from Shadow for they need the light, they thrive in the light and that is what I am.
I am the embodiment of spring. When calling power, I glow, like the radiance of the sun was caught under my skin. My ankle length hair was golden with a tattoo of lighting bolts streaking through. My eyes are the blue of a perfect spring day, the kind of spring days where it rains even when the sun is out and creates a rainbow. When calling my hand of lighting and the hand of vitality my eyes will go black with lighting striking through them as a thunder storm rages in my eyes. Shadow how ever is the opposite and the vines shrink away. They retreated back to the overgrown trees they came from.
When the Sidhe, and fey for that matter, moved here, the forest responded to our magick by growing so closely together and so densely that they formed passage ways, hallways and rooms, complete with doors and windows. Now that we where inside the haven, I felt safer and bolder. Shadow made to grab my arm and escort me further in but I pulled away, “I refuse to go any further, I will not be lead around like some child until I am told the reason for it.” I looked at Shadow with a defiant smirk, and waited to be answered.
“Princess, please, as I have said there is no time for this, we must hurry.”
“Well by the Goddess, if it is so important then I must know what is happening, am I princess or not?” Shadow, looking slightly exasperated, looked around the over grown trees and spotted a room, grabbed me by the arm once again and flung into the room.