Beholder Author's Notes and Acknowledgements

Oct 15, 2010 00:19

art by apieceofcake

Author’s Notes and Acknowledgments:

My favorite Disney fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. But I didn’t want to write an adaptation of that film. Instead, I wanted to visit the themes of beauty and ugliness and goodness and selfishness and love and believing. Because everyone is a little bit villain and a little bit hero, and the difference is often just a matter of perception.

First and foremost, I need to thank my friend and beta, borgmama1of5 . I met her when I first started writing fanfic about one year ago, and first discovered this fandom. She makes everything I write better, stronger, tighter. She doesn’t just correct, she guides and inspires. I’m blessed to have met her and so very lucky to have her edit my writing. She’s a great friend, a wonderful person and I’m really happy to have her in my life.

I had several alpha readers for this tale and their input, enthusiasm and constructive advice was much appreciated. First, I want to thank keerawa - who served as a wonderful cheerleader when I hit a block and was instrumental in inspiring me to keep this going and finish on time. Also, I want to thank jodean80 , who also helped me to keep going and pointed out some areas that needed addressing. The changes I made as a result made this story stronger and gave it integrity.

Finally, I was fortunate enough to get apieceofcake as my artist. She is so talented and generous with her time and her ideas and I consider myself exceedingly lucky to have had her. Her art is gorgeous. So much more than I could have imagined. It completely captures the spirit and tone of the story. Her attention to detail is outstanding. I adored all of it and wished I could use every last bit within my posts. I urge everyone to please go check it out at her art post.

I hope you enjoyed the story and left a comment. Thanks for reading.

ETA: A special thanks to nightrider101 for creating a beautiful song mix for this story.

For more information on homeless issues, please visit the National Coalition for the Homeless.

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jensen/jared, jared padalecki, j2, rps, 2010 rpf big bang, beholder, jensen ackles, romance, fandom: supernatural, bottom!jensen, author: sandymg

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