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Comments 79

lawsontl December 21 2009, 20:44:39 UTC
I read this when I should've been sleeping (aka in bed) and I must have dreamt my comment instead of actually LEAVING it. Which is not to say it put me to sleep, I was just exhausted physically and wired mentally when I read it. Actually, that probably enhanced the reading experience!

So, firstly, I suck, and, secondly, this story doesn't. It was so internally consistent, edgy without being dark, and true to the Ianto I believe existed. True to the other characters, too, in that they react just how I would expect. You don't use the alien E to take them OOC, you just take down their barriers. You took a potentially cracky premise and delivered total non-crack that told us something about Torchwood.


sanginmychains December 22 2009, 06:00:44 UTC
I kept you up! That's an excellent compliment. I mean, I'm sorry (*right*, it's not all about ME).

I think fanon has /something/ when it portrays Ianto as a bit of a pushover, a bit overly polite and self effacing. I mean, he's not those things, I think those are misreadings of the evidence, but there's something there. He's quiet, he's polite, sure, but I'm thinking the guy who lied, tricked, whored, and who knows what all (plus heavy lifting like WOAH!) into Torchwood in the first place, is far from a pushover. And yet he's a guy who can go deep underground. That's an excellent character to add to any story.

The temptation to just write crack is immense, but I'm addicted to overthinking things even more than I'm addicted to smut, it seems.


51stcenturyfox December 21 2009, 22:26:03 UTC
Holy smokes.

The UST scenes just short-circuited my brain. They're lovely. I love AMTDI too... guilty pleasure!


sanginmychains December 22 2009, 06:02:24 UTC
Oh mine too, I love it wildly. And yet, hello, consent issues much?! This actually started as an interrogation of the consent issues and then went in another direction pretty early on, but um...where was I? Oh yeah. I love smut too.

I also live for UST. Sex between the ears, man.



wynkat1313 December 22 2009, 00:18:01 UTC
that was freakin awesome. So many great twists and turns and stabs at assumptions while still being hot and tense and delicious!

And the descriptions of the sensations of being that high... oh gods! my one and only trip - yeah! oh yeah! Not as "bad" as their situation, but I can really relate.

So much good stuff in here!


sanginmychains December 22 2009, 06:04:52 UTC
What a great icon! I'm having icon dissatisfaction at the moment. I need to find a clever icon maker and then poach stuff, because I do not have the photoshop skillz.

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad the portrayal of the trip worked for you. I am such a clean cut sort, really, I have no experiences to draw on beyond drunkenness. I'm always nervous when I have to write about an experience I've only researched. So if I didn't make any obvious gaffes, managed to do it well enough to not pull you out of the story, then I'll call it a total win.


wynkat1313 December 22 2009, 06:39:06 UTC
Thank you! Its my first really successful photoshop beastie (well second since I just added the santa hat and tinted his shirt green today) There's a bunch of great icon makers around. I have a bunch of stuff from wykling, erikssiren, 100px_x_100px, and Laurab1 - all good folks to nick from!


adina_atl December 22 2009, 00:47:30 UTC
Wow. Great story, more sad and melancholy than hot, in my opinion. Poor Ianto, dealing with Jack's pain, his own feelings of inadequacy, and Gwen and Jack's weird fucked up relationship.


sanginmychains December 22 2009, 06:07:35 UTC
It's true, no one gets off easy here.


Yeah okay. I have to stop reading icanhazcheezburger.


gingerlr December 22 2009, 01:42:41 UTC
This was wonderful. It would have been so simple to use the 'alien drugs made me do it' plot but you had everybody struggling to stay under control. Great job. The Saxon bit was brilliant.


sanginmychains December 22 2009, 06:09:51 UTC
What makes an awkward situation more awkward than a total trauma trigger? The motto as I wrote this was IT CAN BE MORE AWKWARD THAN THIS TRY HARDER.

Thanks, really glad you enjoyed it. (and your naughty alien towel fic still lives in my imagination.)


gingerlr December 22 2009, 13:08:47 UTC
LOL! Funny how I wrote the alien towel as a joke and one year later, they are still going strong. I'm posting a 1st birthday party ramble today to celebrate. *grins*


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