Title: Mostly Sober (Part 2)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: I'm going to have to go with a PG-13 for this one.
Disclaimer: I've recently been informed that my bid on the show (a sketch of Cuddy's ass, entirely done in highlighters, coupled with a homemade Easter Egg) was turned down, so it seems I don't own either of these characters.
Notes: The
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Comments 7
a;skflgjds -flail- But not mine. ;______; How many times have I told you that you write so well? IDC. But I'll tell you again. Your way of writing makes me froth at the mouth andandand it's House/Wilson andandAND it's well written House/Wilson ANDANDAND OMFGGG. It was lovely. ;0;
I expect more g'damn it. >8U I'll be an unhappy camper if I don't get it.
;____________________; Your fangirling over my writing makes me insanely happy. :'D Thank you. ;0;
LOL There will be, I promise! U________U I would never abandon a sex scene! >8D
Well. I have to flail. ;; DO YOU NOT SEE THE ALMOST SEX THAT YOU WROTE? D: Welcome. x3
And good. >8U I'll come over there if you don't.
I DO INDEED. I'm just glad you like it so much. ;0;
Fuck, I'll be mad at me if I don't write it. xD
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