(no subject)

Jun 29, 2004 01:10

..ganked from airyn

If I were:

a month I would be: October

a day of the week I would be: Monday

a time of day I would be: 12:00am

a planet I would be: Venus

a sea animal I would be: Oooooh, barracuda

a direction I would be: north

a piece of furniture I would be: futon

a sin I would be: sloth (ayup, I'm lazy heh)

a historical figure I would be: Joan of Arc

a liquid I would be: milk

a tree I would be: maple

a flower/plant I would be: lotus or orchid

a kind of weather I would be: rain

a musical instrument I would be: piano

an animal I would be: tiger

a color I would be: black

a vegetable I would be: green beans

a sound I would be: water rushing

an element I would be: earth

a car I would be: Toyota Supra

a song I would be: Purify

a movie I would be: In the Bedroom

a book I would be written by: R.A. Salvatorre

a food I would be: pasta and red sauce

a place I would be: Ireland

a material I would be: cotton

a taste I would be: bitter

a scent I would be: sandalwood

a word I would be: brackish

an object I would be: a gem

a body part I would be: brain

a facial expression I would be: a grin

a cartoon character I would be: Pickles Oblong

a shape I would be: a dodecahedron (just to be complicated) heh

a number I would be: 3

a bird I would be: a crow

a holy day I would be: Winter Solstice
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