Title:: All Those Paternal Hang-Ups
Author:: sanguineus
Rating:: PG
Summary:: Edward, father figure!Roy-ish. Short, kinda cute.
Notes:: Father's Day fic thing x.o; No spoilers, kinda lame. Better than my terrible GreedxKimblee ;.;
Disclaimer:: I don't own FMA, but God, if I did...
Roy Mustang did not have children. )
Comments 9
P.S. The comm's up. Go join, you know you want to. ^^
Anyway, my writing has been sucking lately. So I'm glad this isn't a complete failure. x.x;
Yes, I joined! and got my badge! Erg, icon. XD And--for fic requests, we make it a new post 'n everything, right? v.v I'd be so scared to be only the third post...
The first post in the comm is the request post. You make your request in the form of a comment, dear heart. ^_^
Roy can be very clueless sometimes. I loved the ending and how Ed kept trying to drop clues to Roy that he had actually behaved that day. XD
And I'm glad the whole behavior thing got through. I was afraid people would be like, "WTF is he talking about?" x.o; But I didn't want to make it obvious with a geeky explanation... sigh...
Glad you liked it ^___________^
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