Napokon je prosao i ovaj tjedan! Nakon hodanja oko glupih mostova (volim se ja setat, ali ne kad mi mjehur vristi :p), dosla sam kuc i htjela se bacit u krevet, no naravno nisam mogla jer sam morala kod dermatologa grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no naravno to sam nadoknadila kasnije :)))
I da, danas kad sam odvratno izgledala (vjeruj mi Nelice uvijek cujem
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Comments 1
Aside from your talent in art, and love of music, like Peyton,
you're misunderstood with a rough exterior. But, you have
a good soul and an awsome personality!! Your friends come to you
for advice, but sometimes you can't save yourself.
You keep ypur feelings inside, and sometimes that can eat you up.
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