Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Bored Starscream is bored. But still prettier better off then Megatron!
More fic is here. =/=
(In which Starscream is still bored, but more cheerful about it!)
Really it was all Megatron’s fault. With the building of Autobot city the Decepticons had left Earth and returned to Cybertron. Their home planet was now - thanks to some clever manoeuvring on the part of Starscream and the other Seekers - happily orbiting a relatively young yellow star at the optimal distance for energy collection. (Honestly, Starscream could not fathom how Megatron could possibly believe that he was serious about the whole let’s-bash-two-planets-together thing.) With their home planet well on its way to revival, Megatron had left Earth and its natives to the Autobots in order to focus on reawakening his slumbering forces.
In short order Cybertron was as close to being restored as was possible during wartime. The Decepticon forces had possession of Cybertron, with small pockets of Autobot resistance quickly escaping to the moon bases. Even the underground contingent had left once the enemy ‘somehow’ discovered the planetary defence systems immanent activation.
The war was now being waged far from the main strongholds of Cybertron and Earth. It was obvious that the winner would be the side that gathered the most energy. In fact, the war had slowed down from daily direct confrontation to random skirmishes as both Autobot and Decepticon forces hunted the universe for energy.
Which was why Starscream was so very fragging bored right now.
Scout teams had discovered a large energy source that Megatron had immediately set out to claim. Unfortunately the energy source was located on a planet with an odd, yet essentially harmless radiation field that badly disoriented the sensitive systems of flyers. Which was why Starscream and the rest of the air force, along with Soundwave’s cassettes and all of the Gestalts had remained behind on Cybertron. Triplechangers and shuttles were the only build-types with wings whose systems remained workable in the planets strange radiation.
Soundwave had not been happy with Megatron when he had been forced to leave his cassettes behind. The telepathic Communications Officer had strong enough shielding to function on the planet, but his cassettes did not.
Poor Megatron, poor, poor Megatron. Starscream smirked, as bored as he was he did not envy the Decepticon leader having to deal with a cranky, irritated Telepath suffering from empty nest syndrome.
(Word Count: 370)
Meh, had very boring day at work. And am now 67 handwritten notebook pages into this fic because sweet Primus on a polka-dot pogo stick, bloody Seekers never shut up! Also, I have been informed that the proper address for Sir Starscream the Whiney is actually Winglord of Vos, the nancing pillock. This fic is going to be epic, or very close to, as Starscream has highjacked my pen and is spewing an in-depth depiction of Seeker culture all over my notebook. It's amazing how his opinion on "pathetic squishies" changes when he's trapped in the headspace of one. Of course, now he just tortures me by info-dumping directly into my brain while I'm trying to drive. Stupid Seeker. It's like he wants me to die a horrible blazing death... oh. Wait, nevermind. Of course he does. It's that whole "evil" thing.
Yes, it's short, but I have far more interesting bits written down that just need to be typed up. So please be patient with me for now, okies?
Toodle pip, m'dears!