Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: There's been a small hiccup in the plan...
Lots more parts here. =/=
(In which Turbine says; "We have a small problem, Air Commander...")
“Commander Starscream.” Turning at the call of his designation, Starscream blinked at the sight of Turbine’s rapidly fluttering wings, “If I could, perhaps, have a moment of your time?”
In Seeker-cant Turbine continued the sentence, ~ “We have a small problem with the Rainmaker Trine.”~
“This had better be important, Medic.” Starscream growled, turning from his previous path to follow Turbine down the hall that led to the medbay, wings twitching demandingly, ~ “What have they done now?”~
“Of course, Air Commander.” Turbine answered contritely, even as his wingtip wavered, ~ “Well, about that…”~
(Word Count: 94)
Just testing a new posting format. A more impressive post will be made later tonight. XP
Also, I hope this shows just how very useful Seeker-cant is when Starscream is plotting. It's also to show the underlaying conversation that the rest of the Decepticons don't pick up on when Starscream talks to his Seekers.