Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Defection
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Glitterblind likes it when Starscream freaks out over nothing.
More fic here. =/=
(In which certain side effects are discussed.)
“With your formula, a small problem there is.” Glitterblind said without preamble as she walked blithely into Starscream’s office and thumped a datapad down in front of the surprised Winglord.
“What sort of problem?” Starscream demanded with a worried frown, reaching for the pad and abandoning his previous work without a second thought. “I thought we’d tested it out properly!”
“Tested it we did, and safe to use it is.” Glitterblind said soothingly. “Your forgiveness I beg. Misspoke I did.”
“Never mind that.” Starscream waved off her apologies impatiently. “What sort of ‘problem’ is the issue?”
“Your formula too effective is.” Glitterblind said with an expression of resigned amusement. “Of those with newsparks, fifteen percent twins have. Of trines who the formula used, more than one sparkling forty-two percent produced.”
“Like the Rainmakers.” Starscream murmured, looking over the report summary. “I had thought them merely lucky that way, having three sparklings.”
“Ha!” Glitterblind revved her engine derisively. “Nay, with one then twins, a perfect result sample are they.”
“So.” Starscream put down the pad and tapped a claw against the edge as he focused his attention on Glitterblind. “Explain to me why this is a problem. I was under the impression that we wanted as many sparklings to result from this scheme as possible. In that case, are twins and multiple sparklings not a good thing?”
“Yes and no. Complicated the answer is.” Glitterblind rattled her wings in aggravation as she explained. “Know you the twins sparks into the same trine go, always and always.”
“This fact is common knowledge.” Starscream agreed easily, obviously wondering where the Crèche Matron was going with this line of conversation. “Trines are formed because the sparks are suited. Twins are inherently suited by their very nature, bound as they are from the start. It gives them a leg up on completing their trine.”
“True what you say is, but of certain details overlooking.” Glitterblind gestured sharply to emphasize her seriousness. “Dual spark twins, not a problem are for although similar in code, still different are. Rather, a blessing that Primus would gift us with such numbers.”
“But?” Starscream prompted gently.
“The split-spark twins a concern are. When produced in such numbers especially must I take note.” Glitterblind flare her wings as she winced and glowered at some unnamed affront. “Split-spark twins, identical or mirrored are. Rarely sparks split by trauma capable of carrying newsparks are. More, dangerous it is for one who began as half a spark a newspark to carry is. Difficulties too are there when one half of a split-spark alone a newspark attempts with their mate to generate. Both halves needed a newspark to produce are. Of this new generation, seven percent difficulties creating will have.”
“Wonderful.” Starscream grimaced sourly, and then looked hard at Glitterblind. “Do you have anything else to add?”
“Not so bad is it in truth. The formula too much extra energy to the joining adds. Thus, by excessive energies in the spark most of these split-sparks are caused. Such a reason weakens not the newspark, so mostly normal shall they be. Only know that when used such agitated energy is, to produce a newspark, higher the chances of injury or stress causing a trauma split is.” Glitterblind then grew solemn, her wings going stiff. “Know you the risk of having siblings too close in age? Little cause to worry had we, with our numbers so few. Yet history shows it a problem our predecessors had cause to fear when flourishing our city was. Now, with our population increased so, a concern we must see to ourselves it is.”
“I think I know what you’re talking about.” Starscream narrowed his optics as he strived to recall memory files long since compressed into obscurity. “Something about trine imprinting going wrong?”
“Delicate, the situation is.” Glitterblind folded her claws together as she levelled a serious look at her Winglord. “If, even in play, a youngling their sibling as trinemate sees… our previous problems returned threefold will be. So, all sparklings to as many others as possible exposed to each other must be. Especially careful must be those flocks which same aged sparklings have. Twin pairs encouraged greatly to search beyond their flock must also be. Otherwise with their spark-kin will the younglings form trine with when of age they are, for in familiarity comfort is. If such occurs, mirror-codes, clone-codes, spark invariance, all these problems and more will once again a severe problem be. Such a trap we sought to avoid, now steps to stay free of if we must take.”
“Yes, I can see where letting our guard down and it landing us right back where we started would be a bad thing. While it’s good to know that my triplets won’t have any trouble when they choose to spark, I’m pretty sure they’re set on the Battlechargers. If what happened there happens with true spark-siblings…” Starscream grimaced and shook his head. “I’ll need to issue a mandate for the sparklings to be placed in play-flocks. Get them exposed to as many other possible trinemates as we can. Draw up the exposure times you think would be best for each age bracket.”
“So I shall do.” Glitterblind nodded, pleased, and then pinned the Winglord with a sharp look. “Some idea of the risks do those with more than a single sparkling have. Already forming, many sparkling and youngling play flocks are. Helpful and official mandate would be, to include with the updated data packet all Seekers with sparklings will receive this megacycle.”
“It’s good to hear that you have everything under control as usual Glitterblind.” Starscream thanked the femme sincerely, leaning back in his seat with a relieved sigh. “I’ll have the mandate ready for you in three cycles. Unless you have any more problems you’ve already dealt with to bring to my attention?”
“Nay, Winglord. Nothing else is there, with which I could torment you.” Glitterblind swept into an elegant bow, only the slight tilt of her wings giving away the amusement she got out of teasing the Winglord. “Return to my duties I shall, to await the mandate.”
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention Glitterblind, even if you did deal with it before it became an issue. It’s made a decision I’ve been contemplating for a while much simpler.” Starscream smiled a bit ruefully at Glitterblind as her head tilted in curiosity. “I think my serum seems is a little too much of a good thing. Especially since it seems to encourage split-sparks. Even if the split happens because of an overabundance of energy, it’s still dangerous to both the carrier and the sparklings. I can just imagine what would have happened to me if the Triplets hadn’t split while I was merged with my trine. It seems best to lock the formula away until it’s needed again.”
“A wise choice that is.” Glitterblind chuckles, stepping back to take her leave. Pausing with her claws hovering above the keypad, Glitterblind looked back at her Winglord. “A saying there is, that too much medicine a poison can be. Of this, perhaps, remind those who complain would, Winglord.”
“I think I will, at that.” Starscream mused with a smirk, and turned back to his work when Glitterblind left, the door sliding quietly shut behind her.
(Word Count: 1219)
And so we put away the plot device of sparkling doom. Everyone will just have to have lots of extra interfacing to make up for it. ♥
My baby sister is going through her closet for things that don't fit her. So far I have gained a belt and a sweater. They're very nice. XP
Here there be dragons! Lookit!
coriopsis gave me a Sunsong egg! She asked for Nine Rings in return, so she gets the double post of doom. Mwaha.