Titulo: Autocinema
Pareja: Yunho - Changmin
Raiting: No estoy muy segura de esto, pero no es apto para menores de 17
Disclaimer: Bueno, esta historia me pertenece, no los personajes solo el plot... Es la primera vez que posteo un fic de los que escribo(sin contar los de anime que de hecho solo son 3 o 4) asi que por favor tenerme paciencia!!!
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Comments 6
Gracias por la dedicatoria :DD
Estaré escribiendo mi comentario mientras leo... lol
uno nunca sabe, quizas siga escribiendo, jeje otro oneshot??
no te creas, sigue escribiendo y nos vemos pronto!!!
Muahaha muy bueno XD, lo lei solo por que no era de JYJ, ok nos vemos! *ninja mode*
I just noticed your comment made on avery_averette's LJ posting and just wanted to say I LOVE your .gif T&T icon on your profile!!! ♥__♥
Do you take personal requests to make one? I'd love it if you could make me a Tackey-icon, if that's not asking 4 too much. Sry I had to make a comment about it here, as you turned off the private msg feature on your profile page. ~__~
Btw, I'm also a DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki fan myself. XDD Altho, I hadn't followed them that much lately. God, I'm such a bad Toho-fan. ^^;;
But, I'm also a Taeyang fan too...and Se7en, BoA, etc. etc. I jus can't get enough of Taeyang! ♥♥ *kyaaaaa~* j/k
Sry I dun speak Spanish even tho I took it for 3 yrs. *sigh* =__=
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