Quizzes and other random stuff

Apr 01, 2005 22:27

Some of these results terribly confuse me....

Somewhat Debacherous
You are 42% pure

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 9% on purity
Link: The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test written by ocicat on Ok Cupid

The Paladin
You scored 18% Cardinal, 46% Monk, 52% Lady, and 67% Knight!
You are highly moral but also don't shy away from using force if your
lord commands it. You are honourable to the point that you would
readily sacrifice yourself for a noble cause. Your name will be the
subject of tales and song for generations, however their concentration
will be less on your deeds in life as on your martyrdom.

You scored high as both the Knight and the Lady. You can try again
to get a more precise description of the Knight or the Lady, or you can
be happy that you're an individual.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 9% on Cardinal

You scored higher than 60% on Monk

You scored higher than 89% on Lady

You scored higher than 85% on Knight
Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on Ok Cupid

You scored 48% Slytherin, 8% Ravenclaw, 32% Gryffindor, and 44% Hufflepuff!
Are you sure that you belong at Hogwarts? You show no defined personal
characteristics and therefore no house preference. Perhaps you should
seriously consider a lucrative career in dentistry or tax preparation
-- or allow the Sorting Hat to redetermine your place at a later date.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 89% on Slytherin

You scored higher than 1% on Ravenclaw

You scored higher than 16% on Gryffindor

You scored higher than 87% on Hufflepuff
Link: The Sorting Hat Test written by leeannslytherin on Ok Cupid

You scored 34% Esotericism, 28% Power, and 0% Malevolence!
The unicorn is a legendary animal. It is usually portrayed as a
slender, white horse with a spiraling horn on its forehead, although
its appearance and behavior differs, depending on the location. In the
west it was usually considered wild and untamable, while in the Orient
it was peaceful, meek and thought to be the bringer of good luck. There
it is usually depicted as a goat-like creature, with cloven hooves and
a beard. In Japan it is called Kirin, and in China Ki-lin.
The word "unicorn" is based on the Hebrew word re'em ("horn"), in early
versions of the Old Testament translated as "monokeros", meaning "one
horn", which became "unicorn" in English. The creature is possibly
based on the rhinoceros or the narwhal, a marine creature with one

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 23% on Esotericism

You scored higher than 23% on Power

You scored higher than 1% on Malevolence
Link: The Mythological Profile Test written by LacedWithASmile on Ok Cupid

Gods! You scored 54!
You are most like the Goddess Aphrodite!
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility and desire.
Although she was married she had many affairs with both other gods and
men - most famously with Ares. Her husband Hephaestus caught them in a
net he had made and paraded them in front of the other gods. Aphrodite
is mean, vain and jealous, and most often depicted with a mirror.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 92% on Godliness
Link: The What Greek God Are You Test written by mellyelf on Ok Cupid

On to other things. Spring break is almost up *cry* but that's alright, fun has been occuring lately. On Wednesday the 30th of March, I went with Katie, Benton, Patsy, Nora and Katie's family on a whale-watching boat. It was a great deal of fun. Benton, Patsy, and I were practicing horse stance as the boat was jetting out to the whale hotspots. Unfortunately, Benton became seasick halfway through the ride, which was partially my fault (we went inside the cabin and had some snacks). But we did get to see 3 whales, A gray whale pup and mother, plus a humpback whale that jumped headfirst into a group of gulls feeding on fishies. Nora introduced us to a 3 man group of actors who portrayed Shakespeare in the silliest way possible, plus i finally got to see the fabled Firefly, and wish they wouldn't have stopped at 14 episodes, movie non-withstanding. At any rate, fun is still afoot so it's time for me to sign off!

o---{=========> Brooke
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