Stuff i put onto my GGX community
When you go to, what they have available is 12 GGX matches. Here is the .zip file of the 12 matches they offered. Chipp vs Ky
Johnny vs Faust
Johnny vs I-no
Johnny vs Ky
Potemkin vs Ky
Sol vs ABA
Sol vs ABA (2)
Sol vs I-No
Sol vs Venom
Order Sol vs Anji
Order Sol vs ABA (background 1)
Order Sol vs ABA (background 2)
New Opening for Guilty Gear XX Slash Midnight Carnival
I believe all these files are from Slash Midnight Carnival, so it's a good watch. :) You get to see some new moves, rather, moves i've never seen. >3<; Johnny and Anji are the ones i mainly noticed, so :) Happy watching matches!
Also, i have some Genshiken clips with GGIsuka clips and anime cosplay. Genshiken is an anime and manga with Guilty Gear cameos in it, which was the main reason i got the series. It's mainly about a club called Genshiken, which has a mix of Anime, Games, Manga and Art. Very interesteing series. :) - (716kb) This clip is the opening of the series. The character playing is Kohsaka. - (1.04mb) In this clip 2 of the characters discuss cosplay about Jam. - (1.81mb) Kanako, the girl who cosplays Jam in the series, is being photographed with her outfit. - (3.69mb) The Anime Club in the series is hosting a Guilty Gear Tournament and Kohsaka is playing. And kicking some good bum bum You view a match os Sol verses Jam - (1.06mb) At the end of the episode, they do a short segment of Kohsaka playing some more GGX at his place.
Enjoy downloading! :)!