What does FAQ stand for?
Frequently Asked Questions, but because this is my first real art journal I haven't had a ton of questions so I took questions that were in other journal's. I'd like to answer the basic questions before I get a ton of the same question ;]
Can I add your art journal?
Of course! I'd be flattered if you added this journal. My goal is to get over 500 friends before the end of December '07 so you'd actually be helping me out by adding me as your friend! Also, you have to friend me to see any of my art. All of the entries that have art in it are set to friends only =D
What about your personal journal? Can I add that one?
Only if we talk regularly on this journal or I've already talked with you before! It is my personal journal and I'd like to keep it that way! If we have a lot in common you're more than welcome to comment my friends only journal and attempt to get added in return ;]
Why don't you ever comment my journal entries?
To be completely honest, this is my art journal, so it's not likely I'll be commenting on your journals. If you really want me to comment on your entries add my personal journal, which you can visit
here. Don't forget to comment the FO entry ;]
Do I have to credit you if I snag your art?
Yes, this is required! You must credit me (with a link!) wherever you use my art! That's how I get more friends and advertisement. Here's how to credit me in your userpics on LJ:
There's a few things I'd like to change in this piece of art. Can I edit it?
No! I work so hard to make the art look the way it does, so please don't edit it and then take credit for it! It's really rude and inconsiderate. If it's just something small you want to edit, like the text, just ask me and I'll do it for you!
Can I use your art on sites other than LJ?
Sure, as long as you credit me (with a link), don't hotlink, etc. That's just another way for you to advertise me so I can get more friends ;]
Do you take requests?
Sometimes, but not usually! I'll specify when I'm taking requests or not so please don't just request whenever you feel like it. Like I said above, if it's a small thing like editing text on art I've already made then you can ask me right away, but anything more than that will be judged on a case to case basis.
I really love your layout! Where on earth did you get it?
The original layout I used was made by
wakeimagination and was then edited by me :] She's credited on my User Info page for the layout. I made the header and the profile banner ;]
Would you like to affiliate with my journal/community?
Of course! Just comment
this entry and I'll add you to the list :] I'll affiliate with any community as long as you add me to your affiliates as well! It doesn't matter how many friends or members you have, I'll add you to my list! I only give you one week to add me to your list of affiliates before I delete you from mine.
Do you make art other than icons?
Of course! I also make headers, small banners, FO banners, etc. I'm working on moodthemes as well so look out for those in the near future =D
When are you going to update this journal with new art?
I generally take a while to make art, so don't expect to see a new entry every day! I'm a busy high school student so I no longer can sit at the computer all day and make art for you guys! It's more of a hobby now, so it definitely takes me a while to update this journal.
Where can I find all of your older entries?
Just go to my
Tags and look through them all! They're sorted by fandoms, types, etc. so it should be easy for you to find what you're looking for.
My programs are awful. What programs do you use and can you send them to me?
I use a few different programs actually! Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0, Adobe Photoshop CS2, and Adobe ImageReady CS2 are the main programs I use. I'd be more than happy to send you the CS2 programs if you'd like me to!
I love how nice your screencaps look! Where do you get them?
I get almost all of my screencaps just from random google searches or from
dj_capslock! I'll continue looking up sites for good screencaps and listing them here :D
Is it okay if I nominate your icons at an award community?
Of course, I'd be extremely flattered! Just make sure to comment one of my posts, telling me where you've nominated my icon, which icon you nominated, and for what category you nominated it for!
I couldn't find my question in this entry!
Just comment here with your question, I'll reply, and then add it to this list so you can always look back and find my answer!