this weather blows.
i should have taken my stepfather up on his offer to drive his rodeo, but i thought my little camry would fare well just fine. it was hilarious when i almost got stuck between my road and the adjoining route while oncoming cars sludged toward me threateningly at 25mph. i thought i was doing okay until i was nearly going reverse when the gear was in drive. i was irritated i would miss school, but on mondays i only have creative nonfiction and the class is just a little bit retarded. no one has the book we're to be using for the whole semester and they also switched the professor at the last minute. i convinced myself that school was probably closed during my ambitious attempt to careen up my driveway and i think i made a sideways eight while doing so. well, school was not canceled so i already have an absence on my attendance record the second week we started. i may not be able to skip many times because of the inevitable snow days i'll have to take: it is a shit position.
classes are nice- i think logic is my favorite so far, although it's already getting very complex. i described my teacher's disposition to dana as that of a kind and exuberant rat. psych is my other favorite, i gobbled up the chapter in neuroscience and now i am proclaiming i will become a neurosurgeon like my dad almost did. history is fascinating but it's a three hour class one day a week; we all sit in computer chairs at these enormously long conference tables, soaking up our immense sense of confinement as none of us can leave except during break or we'll be counted as absent. we also can't have food or drink (this includes water) and there are thirty of us crammed in there and we're all expected to participate. from a student's point of view, it feels like the professor's intention is to dehydrate us and force us into insanity by captivity in a penned room wherein a crapload of history is crammed down our throats. it's cruel and unusual punishment. that professor is the only one who isn't informal like my other three- even my english teacher, with whom we were barely acquainted, came across as warm and easy-going.
at one point in history, i raised my hand and answered a question correctly, but some signals were crossed or someone had had a lobotomy earlier that morning (i.e. the professor) because he, in a drawn out and eloquent negation, insinuated that we don't study chimps to learn about/compare it to human behavior. his response pissed me off something awful, and i could already see a strong potential in him to choose favorites, and i wanted to shake my fist and shriek, "excuse me, but i raised my hand and i have panic disorder and you were WRONG, bastard!"
oh, the school called and left a message- english was cancelled, score! and the assholes called thirteen minutes before class- i could probably have left at that time and only made it to class if i hijacked a plane on the way and traveled by air. thank god my future plans for which i'll scheme to skip classes are intact and holding. for now i can spend the whole day watching sybil work through her 17 personalities on WE.
this update is dedicated to
wisteria__ in light of her harrassing lj update reminders. ;)