1. First Name: Saaaantoooos
2. Age: 17 [18 on 7/15]
3. Location: changes monthly aparently :/
4. Occupation:Escort.
5. Partner: fawk that shit :D
6. Kids: ...I want to be a grandma...
7. Brothers/Sisters: Blood related - 2 sisters,1 asshole. In Law - 1 brother, 1 sister.
8. Pets: my jewelry box.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
b) (Lady Bracknoll to Ernest)"Young people either know nothing or everything. Which do you know?"
-At seventeen I know nothing, But thirst to know everything.
10. Where and for what did you go to school for?: I go to NSAA. I went there for acting initially, and I really love it dont get me wrong, but as a career its just not for me. But no matter what I alwase want to be a part of the theatre weither its backstage or right on in the action.
11. Parents:Suicidal mother ftw!
12. Who are some of your closest friends?: They know who they are but all you assholes on LJ need to call me!
I miss having a posse of friends.
Addendum (other things you should know about me):
Im starting to really, really, REALLY not like anyone I meet anymore.
Its really out of charecter for me.