OOC -Not again- Character Relationship

Jun 10, 2009 10:07


Follow the normal procudere and you will get though mthis will all your limbs intact.

*edit* Because of F-List Streaching it's now under a CUT!

Ginia is definitely Hazel's friend and someone he knows he can rely on. Even before her reset she showed empathy and sympathy to the decidedly depressed and distressed man. This gave him an odd attachment to her, which might be viewed as romantic feelings but if they are Hazel will never act on them anyways. She is his true friend and in someways protector. After her Reset Hazel felt he was getting a second chance, and hopes to make the best of it.

AMAZING ISN'T IT. *cough* Anyways, yes Hazel views Gojyo as a friend. This is probably cause while at the beginning they DEFINATLY didn't get off on the right foot Gojyo now doesn't really hold it against him. Sure Gojyo Probably doesn't trust Hazel, but Hazel is fine with that. He also is gald of the way Gojyo treat Ginia, and wisheds he could help now that she's resetted, but as we know, Hazel helping tends to lead to BAD THINGS. It helps that Gojyo is from before they knew Hazel so he doesn't QUITE know what a complete Bastard hazel could be like. Hazel REALLY HOPES Gojyo NEVER resets. >>;

Kanzeon makes this category by sheer force of personality. S/he is the only person who really able to fluster our dear priest. Mainly because Kannon is a 'God'dess and thus hir existence screws with his theologies. HOWEVER, Hazel must admit he likes the wo/man. And having her as his
'mother' during the family event was a treat.

Conflicted about
Hazel can't help but feel a strange respect for the young youkai. However he also has his raging hate of youkai to surmount. After witnessing the power of the Seiten Taisei in his own world Hazel lost some of the warm feelings that had built towards Goku and the Sanzo party. However as he's been in Adstring and away from the twisted place that is Shangri-la Hazel has found his warm feelings of liking and caring for Goku and the other's of the Sanzo Party returning. It helps that Goku, being the kind of person he is, freely gave Hazel his head apples, a gesture that completely surprised and warmed Hazel to the young youkai.

Ah Hakkai....Hazel is rather confused about Hakkai. But then again that is to be expected. The whole youkai thing and all. But other than that Hazel holds a healthy amount of respect for him (because if he did he'd probably be dead) and enjoy's their little...conversations a lot. After all since most of the Sanzo party has pretty upfront and blunt about what they though of him, someone who could use words as well as Mr. Hakkai was a blessing. Hakkai still gets the title Mr. Hakkai, even though the other's have become Gojyo and Goku. This is Probably because they haven't talked enough to be friends yet, but he respect him enough (by now) to call him by his name.

...Sorry hun, But Hazel is a bit conflicted! He understands that she is an alternate personality of gGnia. Okay fine, he has demon inside, so he shouldn't be judging her.However the fact she WILLING and FORCEFULLY dragged Varahal to the surface definitely did not score her brownie points with out dear priest. But her actions afterward, even getting hurt to bring him back out (because he doesn't know she liked it), and comforting him as he is suffering another breakdown, this one more serious has added to her being a friend. So she is sitting at the very top of the conflicted About pile, about ready to spring into Friend.

I don't believe these two have ever talk though they might have possibley met when Hazel was homeless though he did not stay at the clinic long if that is the case.

Another person hazel hasn't met. MAN He really needs to get out more. >>;

1) A youkai. 2) inside his body 3) torments him regularly now that he's 'awake'. SIMPLE AS THAT.


Lower then me but higher than worms
Varahal can sense Kanzeons power, and while he has a god-complex of his own, subconsciously he recognizes true power. Kannon is the one person he would not cross and tends to avoid tormenting hazel when the 'god'dess is near. If his mind was able to think more sanely then he does Kannon would actually be "Highly respected/feared." But Varahal is insane so s/he is simply "Lower than me but higher than worms"

Yes. Alice is the SECOND person to fall into here. She's special. :D In a not so fun way. >>;
Varahal is intrigued by Alice, because in a way they are similar, except she has that horrible human weakness called caring. Varahal finds it rather disgusting. (We are ignoring the fact Youkai can care to, because he DOESN'T. He's insane remember.) The fact Alice is into the same things as he is adds the his appreciation of her. However there is also the fact that she denied him his pleasure, which really pissed him off. Safe to say, if he wasn't going to kill her before (because of the whole similar interest thing) he is mostly to next time. After all is said and done though. Even with this she STILL falls under Lower then me but higher than worms. His mind is weird like that, what can i say.

From what Varahal has observed of Goku from inside Hazel he is impressed his the young youkai's powers. He would dearly love to be able to gain control over the young youkai and use his powers to destroy many things. Goku was not around when Varahal finally took over Hazel's body so he has no ill feelings towards the young youkai, though if goku had been around that might be different.

Funny isn't it. This is because Gojyo 'broke' hazel. Varahal was very happy about that. The fact that Gojyo was key in bring Hazel out of it however dropped him from Being 'Lower than me but higher than worms' to 'Worms'.

Hasn't met her. And if she and hazel met during Hazel's homeless period, Varahal was asleep. Everybody are worms to him.

Hasn't met him. Immediately falls under Worms category. Though perhaps if they met, because of Chaos, Vincent would probably be changed to "lower than me but Higher than worms"

Lower than worms and thus must kill when I get the chance.
Hazel immediately falls into this group. Mostly because his human emotions and weakness disgust the youkai so. That and his Abstinence vows ANNOY HIM TO NO END. Hazel also falls under this heading because Varahal has a thing for tormenting him and crushing his self-esteem. Let's just say Varahal would gladly emotional mutilate Hazel but would not kill him, preferring the continual torment that emotional mutilation would give his host body. Safe to say, if Varahal get's his own body, Hazel is in for some bad times.

Varahal hates Ginia a lot. Mostly because of the way she serves as an emotional buffer for the man making it harder for Varahal to take over. After Hazel she is another he would like to hurt, though he would actually kill her as her death would probably break Hazel. If it wasn't for that Varahal would probably at least view her as 'Worms' as she seems to be an interesting person, behind all the emotional bolstering crap.

Respect his power, in a 'hn, he is strong but not like me' way.
Hates that he is able to snap Hazel back into control so well. This immediately puts him in the above category.
Varahal is not so complicated in the way he thinks (Thank god)!


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