Here's the next two pages! This time there's some specific talk about the story and in particular, the cast's thoughts on Break.
Quick reminder-- the cast is Minagawa Junko as Oz, Toriumi Kousuke as Gil, Kawasumi Ayako as Alice, Ishida Akira as Break, and Hanazawa Kana as Sharon.
MochiJun: Honestly once the cast was actually chosen, I almost felt nervous, thinking to myself "Is it really all right for my series to get such a lavish, famous cast?"
Kawasumi: Personally, I auditioned for both Alice and Sharon, but when I did Sharon, in the audition materials it said 'her image is like a 30-year-old on the inside' so unfortunately I played her as a perfect 30-year-old.
Everyone: *laughs*
Kawasumi: I performed her as really looking down from above, sort of... a total adult with experience of all the bitter and the sweet parts of life. But quite honestly, I felt like both Sharon and Alice were a little different from that.
Minagawa: I think the regular, normal Aya-chii fits Sharon to a T, though. At least in my mind. Sort of like an archetypical heroine?
Kawasumi: Yeah, I think so. If Sharon's outer appearance was a little more adult-like, maybe I could've grasped her a little better. As for Alice... Well, I'd never had the experience of saying stuff like "servant" much before. I guess most people normally wouldn't either. *laugh*
Minagawa: So you sort of had to draw out a part of yourself you'd never used before?
Kawasumi: Yeah. *laugh* At the time my manager said to me, "Well, this is kind of interesting. Kawasumi, this is your first tsundere, isn't it?" Since I had this chance [to get such a different character], I tried to enjoy myself by doing the part in a different way from any other role I'd ever done. So when they said, "You've got the part," the first thing I had to ask was "which one!?" *laughs*
Toriumi: Yeah, I had to ask that too.
Everyone: *laughs*
Kawasumi: I was really surprised when I heard I'd gotten Alice. You always get nervous when you're doing a character type you've never played before, right? And I hadn't ever done much of that "Aaaahaha!!" type arrogant laughter either.
Minagawa: I thought it really suited you, though.
Kawasumi: Oh, really? *laughs* Up until this I hadn't done many characters who loved meat either, more like timid herbivorous types. It really was a lot of fun getting to play Alice.
Ishida: Personally, I'm not sure how I made this mistake, but when I went to audition I somehow convinced myself I'd done Emily for them too. So when I was picked for Break, I freaked out at the office a bit all like "Wait a second, it's nice I got the role, but what am I supposed to do about her? How did I play that part? I can't remember!"
Minagawa: But you actually hadn't done her role at all?
Ishida: That's right. The staff kept saying "You didn't do Emily at the audition," but I kept on insisting "No, no, I definitely remember doing her!"
Everyone: *laughs*
Ishida: I still had that on my mind and all, so when I did my first episode, the first thing I did when I came into the studio was ask Mr. Katou and Mr. Takatera [the director and sound director] "So, how did I do Emily, exactly?"
Minagawa: I do remember seeing you in the studio with a worried look all like, "What should I do about Emily?" *laughs*
Toriumi: But you pretty much stuck with the very first thing you came up with for her, didn't you.
Ishida: The directors told me I could do whatever I liked with her. So she ended up the way you hear in the series.
MochiJun: It really was startling to watch you play Break and Emily at the same time.
Minagawa: Yeah, since we didn't do separate recording for this series.*
*i.e., the actors recorded their lines all at the same time in the same room with each other.
MochiJun: Hanazawa-san and Ishida-san, I heard this was your first time acting together. How was it?
Ishida: I think she really is absolutely perfect for Sharon.
Hanazawa: ....What a liar...
Everyone: *laughs*
Ishida: Well, if I'm honest, *laugh* visually I think you're right on the mark. But like we were talking about earlier, Sharon is a tough role since there's such a gap between her outer looks and her inner personality, right? So I thought it might be difficult for you since your actual age is fairly young. But you've really been doing your best... You're Sharon! It's great! No problems!
Kawasumi: Isn't that nice?
Hanazawa: I think I'll be able to sleep well tonight.
Everyone: *laughs*
Minagawa: I really think everyone else is perfect too. Aya-chii's Alice was a surprise, but we got to see a new side of Kawasumi Ayako, and it's really just perfect.
Kawasumi: I think I do kind of understand that side of Alice where she can't properly get things across in words, so she expresses them in actions instead. That "Arrrrgh" kind of frustrated feeling. But mostly she's completely different from my normal self, so it really feels good to play her. I did a ton of yelling as B-Rabbit just today too. *laughs*
A story full of mysteries... and the biggest one is Break!?
Toriumi: Actually, our group of actors didn't get together until episode 2, did we.
Minagawa: Technically it was episode 2, but you only had two words, didn't you, Toriumi-san.
Toriumi: "No thanks."
Everyone: *laughs*
Kawasumi: I guess I think this since we've gotten as far into the plot as episode 23, but Pandora Hearts has really left a different impression on me than a lot of other series.
MochiJun: What kind of impression?
Kawasumi: Well, every last character just has so many different sides to them. Sometimes in ways they don't even seem to realize themselves. And the way those things come out in flashbacks, or sort of in fragments, is just different from other works, I think.
Minagawa: Yeah, I think so too. Especially Break! When I first read the original manga, to start with I wasn't even sure whether he was a hero or a villain. At first I was kind of leaning toward villain, but then later stuff happened where I was like, "Oh, he's actually a really good person." I think that was the character where I saw the biggest gap. Though really, every character in Pandora Hearts is suspicious in some way or other.
MochiJun: I meant for him to seem like a good guy from the very beginning, though. *laughs*
[translator's editorial note: seriously???? lol I thought he was a villain too...]
Everyone: Really!?
Ishida: It wasn't on purpose? How you could take him as going either way.
MochiJun: No, not at all. In fact Break is the one who always goes around saying the things that are tough to say, and pointing out stuff that's bad.
Minagawa: But he's kind of a jerk.
MochiJun: When I draw scenes like that with Break in the manga, I do get told "Break is horrible!" "He shouldn't bully Oz!" and things like that.
Toriumi: But even when he's just telling it like it is, when Break is the one to say something, it doesn't end up sounding that way.
Minagawa: He's hard to understand! When I'm rereading the manga, I'll come across parts where I finally realize "Oh, Break was giving advice trying to help here!" and things like that. *laughs*
MochiJun: Yes, he really is giving honest advice. *laughs* Among the manga staff, everyone always says, "Break is a good person, Gil is a horrible person." *laugh*
Toriumi: What, why!?
MochiJun: The fact that he's not aware of his own twistedness, that sort of thing. *laugh*
Minagawa: And he's got a Master dependence disorder and all. *laugh*
Kawasumi: When we went to eat with Mochizuki-sensei after the recording for episode 1, she told us so much stuff about the series, didn't she? To the point where I was like "Is it actually okay for you to spoil this much!?"
MochiJun: Well, I asked whether it was okay to spoil you before I said anything. And since everyone responded, "Let's hear it, bring it on!" I just went ahead.
Minagawa: But I am glad we got to hear all that.
MochiJun: Your reactions were very funny. *laugh*
Kawasumi: It was nice you were willing to tell us so much, since there's a lot of authors who just don't want to reveal anything.
Minagawa: Though even then there's still a lot of mysteries left.
Toriumi: With this series in particular, since everything in the story ends up connected somehow, it really leaves you wanting to know how it'll turn out.
MochiJun: Once I'd told you guys all that stuff, afterward I went nervously to my supervisor saying, "Well, I told them spoilers up to here, was that okay?" and he said it was all right, so I was pretty relieved.
Ishida: Incidentally, how many times do you have to hit Kevin in the head before he turns into Break?
Everyone: *laughs*
Ishida: After all, Kevin has a proper job as a knight and all that. I just can't picture him as somebody with Break's sort of sensibilities.
Mochizuki: All of that is an act. *laughs*
Toriumi: Is the sweet tooth an act too, then?
MochiJun: No, he was always like that. Actually, these days he's probably happy that he can openly have sweets as much as he likes.
Kawasumi: I feel like Break and Ishida-san kind of resemble each other. The way they both say horribly mean things so easily. *laughs*
Toriumi: You're getting slandered here.
Ishida: So I am~
Kawasumi: It's a compliment~ *laughs*
Ishida: Why, thank you. *laugh* Somehow in my mind, I sort of picture Break like somebody from Kansai. After all, he's always got candies in his pockets.
Everyone: *laughs*
Ishida: Personally I'm from Aichi prefecture and not much of a Kansai person myself, so I think I'm a bit different from Break, but...
*Aichi is just east of the region usually considered to be 'Kansai', but very close
Kawasumi: Now wait, I think you have a different way of understanding Break than the average person. *laugh*
More to come later!
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