Title: Read My Mind Pairing: Nine/Rose Rating: Adult Content: Graphic sex; Angst; Romance. Chapters: Complete Disclaimer: The BBC owns the rights to these characters. Summary: It started with a no. Not many things do.
I am sorry that you are depressed...but this was lovely. It did make me cry, and it was sad (no canon-based Nine/Rose story can really avoid it), but in a kind of lovely, inevitable way. Loved...hated/loved...the last line.
I hope you feel better, but we are reaping the benefit. Would writing something mechanically funny help lighten your mood?
I was sooooo depressed about Five and a half hours, I got it all out of proportion. This is an old story that I wrote in January. The ones I have written since 5.5 have the most stupid plots I could think of, on purpose.
Amazing inner monologue, so touching. I'm sorry you're so sad, but this writing is a beautiful way to express and release it, no? And I LOVE how for him it's months and months between the two TARDIS apprearances at the end of "Rose," not just seconds. Brilliant! We just re-watched that over the weekend and his face at her first refusal was withering. The second time, he keeps the door open to... yes. :-D kmom
Thank you, but I'd probably go with morbid rather than amazing. Try First Kiss, Last Kiss if you want something similar to Read My Mind, but I wouldn't bother with the rest because you probably won't like them.
Comments 19
I hope you feel better, but we are reaping the benefit. Would writing something mechanically funny help lighten your mood?
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