Allo, Phil darlin. You are added. Be forewarned: I can be quite explicit if I get mad/depressed enough. Enter my dark realm with caution, and please don't pick up any of my nasty habits. ;)
But hey, now we can keep in touch (kind of) after graduation!
You aren't alone in that matter! You should have seen me when I was backstage and you guys started singing The Mrs. Billiter song. I was going "Oh S***" and "Oh D***" under my breath.
ANYWAYS, yeppers it is a great way to keep in touch! I personally like it. ^_^
Comments 5
P.S. I read some of your other entries, impatient aren't we? ;-)
But hey, now we can keep in touch (kind of) after graduation!
ANYWAYS, yeppers it is a great way to keep in touch! I personally like it. ^_^
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