I was meaning to wear Bandit last night to see if there's such a thing as a chypre that smells like mosh pit, but I forgot it and found the sample crammed in in my wallet and put it on this morning at the office because honestly fuck it, I'm at the office with a concert band still on my wrist and I slept for three hours.
1) It is INCREDIBLY HARD to deploy this at a reasonable dosage and I in fact half-scrubbed it
2) The initial opening structure of florals + oak moss does read as really chypre and has that Old Lady Perfume association
3) There's a small chance that something in it makes me sneeze, which would be tragic
4) Whatever is left after a half-scrub and at the four hour mark is still absolutely amazing. It doesn't smell good, necessarily - though under the harsh leather it's doing a soft vanilla-y thing that I don't hate - and I'm not sure it makes me smell good, but it definitely still smells more me-ish than anything else I've put on my person from a perfume sample.
And it doesn't not smell like mosh pit in floral chypre form, though if there were a perfume that just smelled like mosh pit I would probably purchase and wear it, because my sense of what smells good gets weird fast.