Who Fic - (Can't) Let Myself Fall

Mar 25, 2009 16:59

Title: (Can’t) Let Myself Fall
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating/warnings: G
Genre: angst, drabble
Character/s: Ten/Rose
Spoilers: Doomsday
Summary: She fell away from him in the white room but instead of letting go and falling too, he holds on even tighter. This is how he loses her.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all it’s associated characters/situations etc do not belong to me, I’m just borrowing them.

She fell in the white room and he saw the splitting of their timelines, two strands fraying away from each other like a piece of thread tugged apart by idle hands. He saw their lives grow dark and separate whilst the universe burned on and he reached out to her...

Let go. Fall. She’ll be there to catch you.

The Doctor screamed. His fingers spasmed, the tendons tightening over his bones as they held fast, loosened before tightening again out of fear.

I can’t.

In the end he did nothing.

It was by holding on that he let her go.

writing: fanfiction, angst, tv: doctor who, ten/rose, dw: doomsday, fic: drabble

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