(no subject)

Mar 08, 2005 02:27

No, these AREN'T the freaking pictures, but you'll get over it!
Read it, I say.
Now. No, no, don't leave. Now.

-- Name: Stephanie Marjorie Rosenblatt (loooong name)
-- Birthdate: 11/12/85, Sarah and I both have that consecutive number by month and year thing
-- Birthplace: Deerfield Beach, FL
-- Current Location: Gainesville, FL. Family in Coconut Creek, FL.
-- Eye Color: golden brown. I’ve got specks of some stuff in my eyes.
-- Hair Color: well, now it’s a color called Cherry Cola. Basically, really dark brown with a red tint in the sun. NOT red highlights.
-- Righty or Lefty: Both me and my brother are righties, and both parents are lefties. Odd.
-- Zodiac Sign: Can you feel the sting of the Scorpion!
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie

-- Your heritage: Approx. half German, half English and a touch of Irish
-- The shoes you wore today: brown New Balance sneakers, NO they did not match what I was wearing. I’m over it.
-- Your hair: layered, color as above, straight…no more curls! Love it.
--Your eyes: look up at the eye color
-- Your fears: making mistakes, disappointing family, ending up with wrong person, not heading in career path I should be
-- Your perfect pizza: garbage pie. I love it all. Just not olives. No olives. Please. And no anchovies.

What is…
-- Your most overused phrase: Get over it. (and) I’m going to split like a banana. I think I’ve started to say “Up the Wazoo” too much too. And WTF?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: ugh. What time is it? Where do I have to be? Wait-what did I dream again? I wanted to write it down!
-- The first aspect of the opposite sex: Love long hair, but we all check out bodies. I don’t think it’s one aspect that can “do it” for me, it’s just a man’s demeanor.
-- Your best physical feature: Hair maybe, stomach. HORRIBLE thighs.
-- Your bedtime: What’s a bed?
--Your most missed memory: Harp playing over candlelight. ..sometimes life irks and confuses me.

You Prefer…
-- Pepsi or coke: Pepsi tastes like water. …(..yeah I KNOW I drink Diet, STFU!)
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds. No contest.
-- Single or group dates: Both, balanced.
-- Adidas or nike: New Balance.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Totally Lipton.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chooooocolate …it’s a female thing?
-- Cappuccino or coffee: No!! mustn’t…think…about…coffee..no…caffeine
-- Boxers or briefs: Boxers maybe. I don’t really care -that- much.

Do You…
-- Smoke: nope.
-- Cuss: Waaay too much…Sarah (roomie) and I tried to stop one day, I don’t think we made it longer than 30 minutes…
-- Sing well: ha. Haha. Hahahahahah. HAHAHAHAHAAAHA
-- Take a shower everyday: Sometimes twice a day.
-- Have a crush: Um, of course.
-- Who are they: I’ve a’got my Patrick! =)
-- Want to go to college: I’m IN college. Grad school is another concept altogether.
-- Like high school: I really enjoyed senior year, like to visit when I go home.
-- Want to get married: Yes.
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, thanks to 9th grade keyboarding class. Love it. 80 words/min or so.
-- Believe in yourself: Depends on what myself is trying to do.
-- Get motion sickness: I consider myself lucky. I absolutely positively do not. Ever.
-- Think you're attractive: I thought I was ugly forever, now I have my days where I don’t think I’m too bad. Still not overly fond of looks.
-- Think you're a health freak: I have my food problems. Try to be. Sometimes I am…sometimes I’m not.
-- Get along with your parents: Yes. Very much so. I like going home to family.
-- Like thunderstorms: Not if I’m on my way to the student union and I JUST showered and blow-dried my hair. No.
-- Play an instrument: Used to play flute. Was trying to learn guitar.

In the past month, did/have you…
-- Done a drug: Prescription.
-- Made Out: Duh?
-- Go on a date: Believe so.
-- Go to the mall?: With mother over break! So much fun.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, but pretty close to an entire box of chewy Nabisco chocolate chip cookies. Soooo good. Soooo bad.
-- Eaten sushi: Would you believe me if I told you that I have occasional cravings for sushi?
-- Been on stage: Too many awards ceremonies. What are we taking on a picnic, Cyrus? Oh wait, that wasn't in the last month. No.
-- Been dumped: Never forget Tom. Oh wait, that wasn't in the last month either. That was, like, two or three, yeah, three years ago now.
-- Gone skating: Not in FOREVER, wow
-- Made homemade cookies: Have Sarah and I made cookies recently? Ask her.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Not in the past month...
-- Dyed your hair: Dyed right now, bub.
--Stolen anything: Nope!
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Actually…well not a group game.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: In the past month? Man I hate this subheading. No.
-- Been caught "doing something": Nope.
-- Been called a tease: Not to my face.
-- Gotten beaten up: Nope, but sophomore year of high school I almost got in three fights. Hilarious shit.
-- Shoplifted: Nope.
-- If so, did you get caught: N/A
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Maybe in 6th grade, though I don’t think it worked much. Now I concentrate on molding myself to my expectations, not to others’ flakiness.

The future…
-- Age you hope to be married: Not now, that’s for sure.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2 or 3…Brent, Brad, Aerin, Derek; Rachel, Hope, Autumn or Summer
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: haven’t figured it out yet.
-- How do you want to die: I don’t want to die. I’m still looking for that immortal potion.
-- Where you want to go to college: At UF. Would’ve loved NYU or Columbia.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A writer.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Japan. Then Spain. Then Germany, New Zealand, Canada.
-- Best eye color?: Not too picky. Blue eyes on dark hair is electrifying. But almost too much. It’s more of the shape of the eyes that gets to me.
-- Best hair color? Never really been one for blondes.
-- Short or long hair?: Either. Slighty longer = better, though.
-- Best height: taller than me
-- Best weight: Fit.
-- Best articles of clothing: I am starting to take pride in fashion, but it’s easier said than done at this point. One thing’s for sure, though-I will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER buy my boyfriend a pink shirt. ESPECIALLY not a pepto-bismol pink shirt.
-- Best first date location: Casual dates suit me.
-- Best first kiss location: I don’t have a momentous first kiss. Most of mine were awkward, but not bad. Cute.

Number of…
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: say no to drugs!
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Eh. Oof. I’d like to include family, but I really only trust myself right now. And that’s fine with me.
-- Number of CDs that I own: That’d be a bitch to count. Around 100 hard discs. Add another twenty-something from my comp. Or maybe 30.
-- Number of piercings: each ear. No more.
-- Number of tattoos: 0 right now.
-- Number of scars on my body: quite a few. Too lazy to count. My hands are really scarred up. But they’re soft. Oh yeah ,that’s a good feature of mine. Very soft hands.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I try not to regret but that, too, is easier said than done.

Yes or No
you keep a diary: A dream diary, but it’s fairly empty because I’m not consistent. I usually jump out of bed and run around.
you like to cook: Let me put it this way: if I ever failed at writing, I’d go to culinary school. (I’m sure you’ve all heard that schtick from me.)
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: a few.
you fold your underwear: I’ve tried, but to no avail. So I said screw it.
you talk in your sleep: I didn’t think so, but I think that both my mom and Patrick have told me that I have done so before. Or maybe it was only one of them.
you set your watch a few minutes ahead: my leather fossil from cousins is on time, metal fossil wristwatch from brother is 7 minutes ahead, my dorm clock is about 10 minutes ahead I think. Don’t ask.
you bite your fingernails: Not usually. But sometimes.
you believe in love: Still learning what love is, my friends. I don’t think love is what the movies have made it out to be, at all.

x. movie you watched: Collateral.
x. song you listened to: Cruel Summer. I wake Sarah up with that song for INR three times a week. Hah.
x. song you've downloaded: Travis downloaded Starsailor’s “Love is Here” CD for the two of us!! Yay!!
x. cd you bought: Two. Avantasia’s “The Metal Opera” and Ayreon’s “The Human Equation”
x. person you've called: Patrick, probably.
x. person that's called you: Patrick.
x. tv show you've watched: WWE Raw, on TV over dinner tonight.
x. person you were thinking of? Travis and Nick. But as I write these things, I’m thinking of lots of people, so I don’t know if that really counts.

x. you wish you could live somewhere: sometimes. But then I’d be missing out on this experience.
x. think about suicide: I stopped, learned a life lesson when I saved someone very close to my heart from committing suicide. I’m adamantly against it, now.
x. you believe in online dating: No.
x. others find you attractive: Probably not. Besides, like, Patrick.
x. you want more piercings: Not really.
x. you want more tattoos: Used to. Not overly excited about ‘em anymore.
x. you do drugs = No.
x. you smoke = No.
x. you like cleaning = I like cleaning dishes!!
x. you like roller coasters = Word up.
x. you write in cursive or print = Print.
x. do you carry a donor card = I wish I did.

Have you...
x. ever cried over a girl/boy: Hah. You shitting me? Of course.
x. ever lied to someone: I think we all have.
x. ever been in a fist fight: Almost. Scroll up, somewhere in this mess.
x. ever been arrested: I’m too slick for that.

x. shampoo do you use: Slickline. Fancy salon shit.
x. cologne or perfume do you use: I hate perfume and cologne. I promise you, you won’t seduce me if you wear any.
x. shoes do you wear = sandals, sneakers, occasionally heels or heeled boots
Who makes you laugh the most? I don’t know. I crack myself up.
Who has the best advice?: *shrugs*
Who's been through the most with you?: That’s hard to say, because different friends have been there for different scenes of my life. Maybe Jimmy, though he’s up at FSU now.
Most Random?: Lauren, probably.
Most could-be-mistaken-for-being-high?: Apparently, me. Hah. Yeah, I epitomized that tonight.
Lives the closest?: Roomie! Crampin’ my style.
Have you dated and regretted?: No, not really. Maybe regretted the progression of the relationship, but not having the actual relationship.
Loves ya the most?: Depends on the kind of love? Oh wow, I’m at the end.

Man, that was pointless. But I’m posting anyway, bitches.
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