Though my drinks have been few and far between, I will still share this info with you all.

Nov 25, 2007 21:31

It's funny that I'm filling this out...bekause I work with people who have huge substance abuse problems. But at least I practice what I preach in drinking responsibly.

1. When I'm drunk, I tend to...
Feel content, a little sleepy, and things are pretty hilarious.

2. Shots or beers?

3. Do you have drinking buddies?
Nope, I don't really do it enough to have set drinking buddies

4. Do you get Angry?
Nope, I tend to be pretty mellow

5. Do you puke?
I have never been so drunk that I puked...but I did puke up Newcastle once after some food didn't agree with me. I won't touch it anymore.

6. After 7 drinks who are you?
What the fuck does this mean?

7. Your favorite drink is?
I like Crown and Coke quite a bit

8. Tequila does what to you?
The only tyme I have ever been certifiably drunk was on a margarita at Cebolla's.

9. Who do you drink with?
Umm...I've drank with a variety of people. A mishmash as it were. I remember all of it, though.

10. Vodka makes you?
It kan't make me do anything, I'm in control.

11. Do you smoke when you drink?
I don't smoke...ever.

12. Do you pass out?
Not after drinking, no. That shit would freak me out.

13. Do you drink girly drinks?
Yeah, sometymes. Like pineapple and Midori (sp?) @ Columbia Street. *sigh* I miss Fort Wayne. Are Smirnoffs and Hard Ciders girly? Bekause every now and then I dig those if they're available.

14. Do you drink alone?
I think I've done it twice...Once bekause if I didn't drink it, it was gonna have to be thrown away...and another tyme bekause I wanted to test if Peter Griffin serious when he said "Let's drink until we don't feel feelings anymore!" Jordan was leaving and I kouldn't stop krying. I stopped taking shots when I realized that alcohol wasn't gonna help and I just needed to suck it up and get on with things.

15. Worst drink you have ever had?
I don't like most beers

16. Do you play drinking games?

17. Favorite Beer.
I don't really like beers...but does Acme Pale Ale count? Bekause I kynda like that one. And I have been known to throw the remainder of a Guiness down when Sean walks away from it. However, Guiness is not something I'd order.

18. What is your favorite shot?
Straight Jagermeister. I love that stuff.

19. What will you NOT drink?
I don't drink Newcastle anymore. It would make me throw up even if I smelled it.

20. Are you a lightweight when it comes to drinking?..
Yeah, my cheeks turned red when I had my first beer. And it was only half gone.

22. Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver?

23. Do you like frozen drinks?
Not really

24. Do you drink liquor straight?
Certain ones, yeah

25. Do you ever drink out of the bottle?
No, that's nast-o-rama.

26. Are you drunk right now?

27. Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages on daily basis?

28. Do you drink a lot of wine?
I've never tasted a wine I enjoyed

29. When's the last time you drank?
Oh jeez...I think I took some shots on the 4th of July or something. I am pretty sure I was at my sister's house when I did it. Last tyme I klearly remember drinking was after I quit my job in Fort Wayne and Doug and I shared some margarita on the rocks in celebration.
Oh, I think it was when Jordan's half-brother graduated in Chesterton. Jordan's sister-in-law asked me to chug her Long Island Iced Tea so her husband wouldn't "get angry at her for not drinking it after she asked for it". She was annoying.

30. Name someone that will repost this drinking survey?
I bet Doug-o will!

31. Ever been streaking while drinking?

32. Hot tub/pool naked because of alcohol?
If I was gonna do that, I don't think the decision would have anything to do with alcohol

33. Failed any college courses due to alcohol alone?
No. I drink pretty responsibly and the only tyme I ever got drunk was out of politeness. I wanted to finish the whole drink so I didn't offend the person who bought it for me (a colleague from my last job whom I had just met that night). Then it occurred to me that if I had gotten up to walk, I wouldn't have been ensured by the integrity of my legs. I admitted to myself that I was drunk.
Epologue: I went home, and Doug took one look at me and said, "Dude...Are you DRUNK?" and I was like, "Damnit."

34. Ever woken up & said "Dude where's my car?"
No...but I was with Kevin once when he did one of those. He rode his bike to retrieve it. :)

35. Ever carried someone up & down the same flight of stairs due to their (drunkness)?

37. Puked in a friend's car?
HA! I did once, but not bekause of drinking. And he wasn't a friend. He was a dickhole who was trying to take advantage of my kousine years after he dumped ME klaiming he was gay. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

38. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
I don't know...but it was most likely Jagermeister or a Long Island Iced Tea.

bone, kevin mccammon, doug-o, alcohol, drinking, paul and lis, jordan

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