I added you to my friend list and didn't even asked permission to do so! Gomen ne, pasensya na!
I noticed that you're interesting and that's why I was eager to add you (that and you seem to like anime/manga which is my drug)...so will you add me back? :3
I read your profile and this is what got my attention:
..she doesn't really care about her looks, so having an ugly skin and lots of fats didn't matter to her. She admits that she had tried her best to do dieting though, but it wasn't because she wants to be pretty, it's only because she wants to be lighter when she goes horseback riding.
I sort of am bespectacled and heavy-set as well! :3
And I try to lose weight this year because of my family history of diabetes so as much as possible if I can avoid it then I must~!
I sort of am bespectacled and heavy-set as well! :3<--- yay! we're similar!!!! xD
nyak . . diabetes . . it's also in my family history o_o . . but . . .but . . .CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!!! nooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BE SEPARATED FROM THEM xD
*only read 2 or 3 chp and then my mom came and then she kicked my butt and then...i spent my day inside my room, studying* so, i'll probably read it after i read all 007-Ghost CHPs since i'm re-reading it nao~ And, yesh, Shiro is awesome^^
ARTHUR.. is more than enough reason for me to add you. XD But more than that, you love Gundam 00, too. And Natsume Yuujinchou.. and I used to read DOGS.. and used to watch those other series you mentioned in your latest post and profile. Plus we're both living in Metro Manila! Hahaha. :D I'm always excited to meet fellow Pinoy LJ users, so friends? ♥
Hi, I came across your journal through google (was looking for some Hetalia pics) and your journal seems very interesting. We seem to have a lot in common. You love Arthur and I love Arthur, so I hope you don't mind me friending you. :D
Comments 93
I noticed that you're interesting and that's why I was eager to add you (that and you seem to like anime/manga which is my drug)...so will you add me back? :3
didn't even asked permission to do so!<--- nah, I don't mind xD
pasensya na!<--- NOYPI!!!! O_O Kyaaaaaaaaaa xD
I noticed that you're interesting<--- *shocked* lol
that and you seem to like anime/manga which is my drug<--- we have the same drug rofl xD
will you add me back? :3<--- OF COURSE! sorry if I wasn't able to do this sooner ^^; adding you now xD WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
..she doesn't really care about her looks, so having an ugly skin and lots of fats didn't matter to her. She admits that she had tried her best to do dieting though, but it wasn't because she wants to be pretty, it's only because she wants to be lighter when she goes horseback riding.
I sort of am bespectacled and heavy-set as well! :3
And I try to lose weight this year because of my family history of diabetes so as much as possible if I can avoid it then I must~!
Opo, opo, noypi ako!!~ XD
nyak . . diabetes . . it's also in my family history o_o . . but . . .but . . .CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!!! nooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BE SEPARATED FROM THEM xD
yes, noypi *glomps*
actually, you're the one who inspired me to read Di(e)ce & Blazer Drive^^
*fangirl langauge FTW!!!*<--- yes, FTW! ♥
actually, you're the one who inspired me to read Di(e)ce & Blazer Drive^^<--- Whoa! Really?! I'm . .. honored xD Wow! Hehe
Speaking of Blazer Drive . . .I don't follow it much lately x_x Has Shiro shown up yet? He's my main reason for reading it xD
so, i'll probably read it after i read all 007-Ghost CHPs since i'm re-reading it nao~
And, yesh, Shiro is awesome^^
07-ghost . . . I must reread it someday too *_*
Shiro ♥ ♥ ♥
And we have common friends, like starlight_19 and ponta_chan :D
Add me? xD;;
Yay for common friends =3
Yup, adding you too ♥
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