ooc- application

Mar 09, 2008 03:22

PLAYER EMAIL: murasakiseiko@gmail.com
PLAYER LJ AND IM: murasaki_seiko, AIM- Murasaki Seiko

CHARACTER NAME: Saphir Wyon Neis


Guy was aware of Van's plan to kidnap the original Luke, and not only helped, but also carried out a plan of his own at the same time, although he was unable to finish the task- he attempted to murder Duke Fabre. Because of this, he fled Kimlasca and accompanied Van, where he, along with Asch, trained to be an Oracle Knight. At the time, Van's only other subordinates were Dist and Largo; but because of Largo's loss of his daughter, he wanted little to do with children, leaving Dist in charge of much of their care. Both boys grew close to him, even seeing him as a father figure.

So when Dist was told the details of Van's plan, particularly where it involved Asch's eventual death, he wanted nothing more to do with it, and fled Daath with Gailardia and Asch. They couldn't flee to Kimlasca because of Guy's attempted murder of the Duke, so they instead fled to Malkuth, despite the fact that Dist himself was a criminal there. When they first arrived in Grand Chokmah Dist was arrested, but was quickly released (under guard by Jade, of course) after the circumstances of his return were known. He eventually returned to the military research position he had previously held, and, with help from both Jade and Peony, continued to raise the boys and protect them from Van... And then there was the peace treaty and Jade and Guy (who joined the military, as Jade's subordinate) both escorted Ion and Anise. Events happened pretty much like normal, only Asch traveled not alone, but with Saphir (as Dist had now returned to his real name) as well. In Eldrant, Asch went ahead, leaving Saphir behind, where he joined the other party. And then things changed- Asch, though still weakened from the contamination effect, was much better off than his canonical counterpart (due to his being raised by the two foremost experts on fomicry). Because of this, Asch won, and Luke stayed behind to fight off the guards. Luke died, and Asch defeated Van and freed Lorelei.

That was two years ago. Since that day, Saphir has waited, hoping that Jade's theory was correct. Hoping that Asch would return, that things would return to normal.

PERSONALITY: Saphir is very intelligent, and it shows in the way he acts. His speech is normally refined, as you would expect from a scientist such as himself. He also knows that he is intelligent, and is known to brag about it to people he doesn't know (and sometimes to those he does know, if he feels threatened in some fashion). If he is insulted, though, he is quick to anger, although he's gotten something of a better hold of it after returning to Malkuth- although he still has times he'll get incredibly worked up, he's more likely to simply glare and tell you you're wrong. And list the ways you're wrong, and all the ways he's right... but mostly just glare.

He is somewhat immature, and still tries to win Jade's affection. He still holds some of his childhood grudge against Emperor Peony, although he mostly has given up on it due to Peony's aid in both protecting him from Van and in helping stop Van's plans from coming to fruition. Saphir also thinks that he is very physically attractive, and has been known to brag about it on occasion, although that habit mostly stopped after returning to Jade.


JADE: Saphir adores Jade almost to the point of obsession. Although he's still bitter about Jade's supposed betrayal (i.e., banning fomicry), he has somewhat forgiven the man after coming back to Malkuth, largely due to the fact that Jade still seemed to consider him as someone who was not a complete waste of his time. He'd do almost anything for Jade, unless it endangered himself, Asch, or Gailardia.

Jade, on the other hand, doesn't particularly care for Saphir. At first he didn't believe that the other man had truly aligned himself with them, although after a few years of being back, and then his assistance defeating Van, Jade has come to accept that Saphir really is loyal to Malkuth... or at least to Jade. He sees Saphir's obsession with him as an annoyance, and avoids the other man when possible, but still goes to him often to discuss theories and the like, as he is well aware that Saphir is incredibly intelligent. Jade is amused by how attached Saphir has become to Asch, as he didn't think it possible for Saphir to really care about another person other than Jade himself or the Professor.

ASCH: Ever since Van first kidnapped the boy and had Saphir replicate him, he's felt attached to the boy. Although he was happy to have a chance to perfect fomicry, Saphir couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the real Luke, pulled from his home to never return. So he took it upon himself to care for the boy, at first only while Van was absent, and later on as a regular occurrence. After they fled Daath, Saphir continued to take care of Asch, and even adopted him. Saphir taught the boy all he could about fontech, and the two worked together often in Grand Chokmah. He really sees Asch pretty much as his son, and treats him as such... Which is why, when Asch failed to return after freeing Lorelei, Saphir became upset, and buried himself in his work, waiting for his return.

Asch does like Saphir, although he doesn't show it much, even when the two are alone. When he was still with Van he called both men master, and he continued with this for Saphir for a couple years after they were in Grand Chokmah. Asch sees Saphir as the father he never really had, and he respects the man greatly. Saphir is also the only person that can get away with calling him Luke.

GUY: Gailardia and Saphir get along well, a relationship originally due to their shared love of fontech. Guy sees Saphir more as a teacher than a father, unlike Asch, but still quite likes the man. Saphir enjoys having Guy around, as he's the only person he has much contact with who knows a thing about fontech, and readily taught Guy all he knew. Because of this, Guy, although not quite as talented as Saphir himself, is a brilliant fontechnician himself. The two aren't as close as Asch and Saphir, though, as after moving to Malkuth, Guy found himself spending much of his time assisting Jade or Emperor Peony, and even joined the military as Jade's subordinate. But he still goes to see Saphir, and the two enjoy the other's company. These visits have become much more frequent after Asch's disappearance, and the two have become closer again.


Saphir was so immersed in his work, he didn't hear the knock. He didn't even hear the not-so quiet footsteps of his visitor, or hear when they stopped right behind where he was sitting. It wasn't until the intruder poked him on the back of the neck that he whirled around in his chair, with a look of horror on his face... Until realizing who his visitor was.

"Peony?! What are you doing here?! Get out before you ruin something--!

Peony just laughed. "Don't get so worked up about it Saphir, I won't do anything bad!"

Saphir couldn't help but think about how many times he had heard that just before something he'd been making blew up, but he restrained himself from saying anything about it. It just wasn't worth it with Peony, the man seemed oblivious to even the most logical and well-thought out of Saphir's arguments. But for the moment he didn't seem to be about to break anything, so it was probably safe to let him stay... He just had to get Peony out of there as soon as possible. So just this once, he would humor him, and hope he would go away... not that it had ever worked before. "What are you doing here, Peony? Don't you have a country to run?" There, maybe that would get him off his back.

The emperor laughed again. "I just wanted to come and check on my friend! Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, I suppose not..." And Saphir supposed there really wasn't- after all, he did almost consider Peony his friend, and he hadn't left his lab in... well, a while, he'd lost track of the days after the first week passed by. It was only logical for one of his friends to check up on him. Of course, he would have felt much better had he known Peony didn't have an ulterior motive, but that was beside the point.

"Great! So stop moping, and come have some fun with me and Jade- we were gonna go to a bar or something, you can come too!" And without giving Saphir even a chance to object, Peony had pulled him up by the arm and was dragging him out.

He was sure that he hadn't been moping, but he just allowed the emperor to do what he was- there was no point in arguing with him after all, the man was just too dense to get it (either that or he just pretended to not, but Saphir was sure it was the former.)

But as he was dragged off, he couldn't help but wonder... Would going out with his friends really be enough to take his mind off of once again losing one of the people most important to him?

