020. Glow

Jun 25, 2008 18:01

Title: Glow
Start Date: June 19, 2008
End Date: June 20, 2008
Pairing: Donghae/Kibum
Rating: G or maybe PG?
Word Count: 1,091
Archive: here.
Disclaimer: Alas sadly I do not own any of these people. I repeat I DO NOT own any of these people. Only the story is mine
A/N: Nothing really much to say about it. I hope you like it~~ Oh and this was written for my wonderful dongseang
Summary: Kibum is watching his favorite performance from Super Junior M. What is he doing watching it? Why does he like it so much?

Link to community: miracle______
Theme Number: 20/100
Finished: 18/100

“If I could, I would give up the whole world. At least there’s still you, you who deserves my cherish. You here with me is life’s surprise… Maybe I could forget the whole world I wouldn’t if I were to loose track of you… Your heart’s location I finally remember where it is…"

Kibum stared at his laptop watching a video that he saved a long time ago. It was an old Super Junior M performance, probably a couple months old now. Even if it was old Kibum watched it over and over. It was the chorus to At Least There is Still You that Kibum liked to listen to. Kibum loved the sound of the song. It was sweet and soft sounding something that you could fall asleep peacefully to.

But Kibum wasn’t watching it just for that. He was watching it for the sake of seeing the one he cared for most. Of course he cared for everyone there but one person more than the others. That persons name was Lee Donghae.

He was the sweetest, kindest, and best boyfriend that Kibum had ever had. He practically glowed wherever he went. He looked so pure and innocent, which was a reason why Kibum agreed to go out with him in the first place.

He constantly watched that video because he felt the lyrics. Even if the lyrics were in a different language if you bought the CD you would see the translations for them. He was grateful for that fact since he couldn’t understand as much as someone like Donghae does. He understands how the lyrics are sentimental due to the translations.

Not only are the lyrics sentimental Kibum had said the same words before. Not in the same order or anything but he had said something along the same lines.


Kibum lifted his head from the book he was reading, “What is it?”

“I’m bored.” Donghae pouted sitting down next to him on the couch.

Kibum looked back to his book but he didn’t continue reading. He just stared at the page, “Is that so?”


Kibum looked up slowly from his book and stared at Donghae. Kibum nearly covered his eyes with his hand for a second there. It could have possibly been because of the sun but he looked so innocent, so cute, so wonderful and so angel like that Kibum decided, that Donghae was a special boy and that he should never let go of him. He had a feeling that if he did it wouldn’t be the right choice.

Kibum placed his book on the other side that Donghae wasn’t sitting on then he looked back up at Donghae as he placed his hand on Donghae’s who’s hand was placed on Kibum’s thigh. Kibum turned so that he was sitting sideways on the couch with his legs in a crisscrossed position and Donghae did the same so that they were facing each other.

“I have a question for you.” Kibum said firmly.

“What is it?” Donghae wondered with excitement.

“Don’t be too excited.” Kibum said with a small laugh, “It’s probably not going to interest you when I say this, so don’t be too disappointed.”

“Oh, okay then… I’m still anticipating it though.”

“I’ve observed something while we have been together… Knowing our personalities… It doesn’t seem like we would get together that well but we are… I wonder why-”

“Isn’t it because we like each other?” Donghae asked with a puzzled look to his face.

“Don’t interrupt me… I was wondering why you wanted to go out with me in the first place.” Kibum asked. Donghae had been the one to initiate their relationship. Donghae came right up to Kibum and asked him straight forwardly ‘Will you go out with me?’ and Kibum had no idea why he agreed at that instant either. He knew he should have given a few days time but he said ‘okay’ right away.

“Because you glowed.” Donghae said.

Kibum couldn’t believe his ears, “Because I glowed? What does that mean?”

Donghae shrugged, “I’m not too sure what that means either but when I was talking to you kinda like we are now. I looked up at you and you looked really beautiful at that time and it made me want to protect you. So I decided to ask you out.”

“This makes no sense…” Kibum said softly with a little smile on his face.

“What do you mean? Of course none of this will make any sense… Love doesn’t have to make sense.” Donghae answered even though what Kibum was saying confused the life out of him.

“You know you being with me is life’s surprise for me. I wonder how it ever happened.” Kibum said smiling.

“Why do you say that?” Donghae asked tilting his head to the side slightly.

“Well…” Kibum said as he followed Donghae with the tilting of the head, “We’re different people who have different personalities. But for some reason we thought the same thing when it came to the idea of us dating each other.”

“What does that mean?” Donghae asked.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.” Kibum laughed as he scooted closer to Donghae placing his unoccupied hand on the side of Donghae’s neck, “All you need to know is that I love you.”

Donghae’s puzzled face was replaced with a smiling one as he leaned in and kissed Kibum lightly on the lips. Donghae shifted his position so that his back was turned to Kibum and leaned his back on Kibum’s chest with Kibum’s arms wrapped around him. “I love you too.”


Kibum smiled and turned off his laptop. He got up off the couch leaving his laptop there. He walked toward his bedroom and as he tucked himself into bed he grabbed his cell phone from his night stand and opened it.

He quickly texted to Donghae, “You being with me is life’s surprise. I love you Donghae. The only thing that glows in my life is you.”

Kibum smiled and adjusted himself and went to bed.

(I hope this fan fiction is to your liking. I hoped you liked reading it. <333

The translations of the lyrics are from Babypbunny I forgot the site I got it off of though. I hope this is enough for credits but if you want/need the site name I guess I could try and find it again. I kinda altered the lyrics a little tiny bit. If it upsets the translator then I can change it back.)

pairing: kibum x donghae, 100 super junior fanfic challange, kibum, donghae

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