Cross-posted from my LJ, I bring my first work in this fandom: a Steel-centric drabble. I've been quite impressed by the quality of other fans' work, and sincerely hope this offering is up to par.
I was particularly influenced by
nemo_everbeing 's amazing "
And This Gray Spirit" and
thisiszircon 's "
The Wallflower". And of course, I've got to thank David McCallum for being such a great actor. :D
Title: Insensitive
Summary: Why was Steel partnered with Sapphire?
Notes: Gen, 100 words. Sapphire/Steel UST.
Steel knows exactly why he was assigned as Sapphire's partner: his ruthlessness, lack of sympathy, his insensitivity.
Sapphire's a “sensitive”, in the old word: she senses things. Steel is her anchor to reality. Sapphire deals with indefinables, Steel with facts; Sapphire interacts with humans, Steel ignores them.
He's stubborn, driven, pragmatic. He keeps her on track, pushes her farther and harder. When she can't do the dirty work, he's always there.
His job demands he make sacrifices without hesitation. Including, if necessary, her. Steel was chosen because he can do that - can stay unattached.
He hides his failure well.