This weekend we were busy as normal. The Bedouin is done. I have pics taken (I just need to load them).
I can't honestly tell you what you what I did this weekend which is sad. I know that we baked bread, make cookies, etc. We finished alot this weekend and Ross was proud of how much we got done. I'm also sewing garb for the nephews and preparing for Quad.
Sunday was great. We went to Sarah and Dave's place for their little guy's birthday. It was fun. We then went to (I'm not even going to attempt to spell her name, but she's the wife of the local herald)'s place and worked on scrolls. It was fun. Paul, Peggy, Brad, Sarah and I sat outside and did our best to focus although we giggled more than we painted I think. Lol. It was fun.
I'm hoping to do another scroll this week at home.
It was a busy fun weekend and I'm excited that we're getting things accomplished.