Pat died. And the open door was closed. And then I cried. At work. For the first time in nearly five years of working there.
I applied for a new job. I interviewed for new job. I interviewed for new job a second time. I was essentially offered new job. Almost tried out new job. But then I didn't. For a lot of reasons.
Father Mike died.
Last Monday I went to the funeral.
On Tuesday I was given five minutes notice that I was being transferred, full time, indefinitely, to our Rochester Hills branch office, to learn a new job. Shipped off with a "do-you-mind-?-no-?-great-thanks-for-your-flexibility-bye". Tuesday afternoon I went to Rochester. At five o'clock, I cried. At work. For the second time in nearly five years of working there.
On Wednesday I negotiated a compromise with our manager: 3 days in Rochester, 2 days in Royal Oak. Was told it sounded "great." It "made a lot of sense."
Today I went to Rochester, to learn the new job, and was invisible, until I finally wasn't. I learned a new job. But not *the* new job. A different new job. And then I was transferred back to Royal Oak, full time, indefinitely. Except for the twenty minutes around 4:30 where I almost wasn't, but then I was. For now. Until the winds blow their minds in another direction. And then I'll go with it. Again.