Personal Information
First Name// Sarah
Age// 17
Gender// female
Nickname(s)// Sar, My Sar, Petroni, Mac, Super Barbie…err and more
Hair Color// Brown with blonde/red highlights
Hair Style// kinda short and angled and layered
Eye Color// Brown/green/blue
What is your favorite
Color// pink
Game// umm asshole? Oh man how I love lunch
Song// I don’t know right now
Music Video// don't watch them
Animal// cat or a doxin
Sport// swimming (we have a love/hate relationship
Country// err mexico
Movie// right now it is my oc dvd’s…does that count
Food// pasta
Boy(Girl)friend// doug
Are you in love right now// Yep
Do you have a crush// YES ON MIDTERMS! Or if Doug counts then him too
Do you have a stalker// just jill and lindsey
Do you miss someone right now// yep
What do you do
At school// be bored as crap, learn somewhat and be really amused(mostly at lunch)
At home// sleep, get online, listen to music
Outside// eww when it’s not like it is now swim
When you first wake up// go back to bed
What _____do you hate
Food// peanut butter
Color// this one
Hair color// dyed black
Tv show// errrra idk
Clothing style// I just don’t know
Movie// hulk and biker boys were bad
Emotions Right Now
Are You Happy Right Now// sure
Sad// no
Grumpy// no
Annoyed// no
Angry// no
Sick// I am always sick
Lonely// nope
Bored// haha YES why else would I be doing this…defiantly not to avoid studying
Have you ever
Made your own religion// there is a good chance but I don’t remember
Written backwards// yes
Written your own magazine// YES!
Drawn art// yes
Got angry with a game// yep
Played Lacrosse// errr no
Broken a bone// no
Dyed your hair// no
Put in contacts for no reason// no
Swam alone// I don’t remember sure
Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence// smart
Stupidity// dumb
Depress// sad
Blood// blood test
Blue// sky
Gray// gloomy
Sword// that weird commercial
Golf// boring
Soccer// ball
Yellow// mellow???
Socks// shoes
Ribbon// bow
Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones// swimming
Have a lot of friends// sure
Write good// how about no
Eat a lot// I love food
Like the day Friday// yes
Like the month December// NO FREAKEN SNOW!
Do you(or are you)
(DY)Give good advice// sometimes
(DY)Talk crap// hmmm maybe
(DY)Play a lot of games// no
(DY)Wear hats// sometimes
(DY)Like to be outside// when it’s not cold
(AY) Always mad// no
(AY) Always happy// no
(AY) A good friend// I believe so
This or that (Last questions)
Night or day// night
Snow or Rain// rain
Stars or the Moon// stars
Ocean or Pool// ocean but only if there are big waves
Boat or Plane// hmm either works
Books or Magazines// magazines
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// pokemon
Blonde or Black Hair// blonde
Green or Blue Eyes// err idk
Pants or Shorts// pants
Pop or Rock// err
Punk or Emo// err
Tatoos or Piercings// piercings
Necklace or Ring// ring
Clouds or No Clouds// none
Art or Literature// art
Jeans or Baggy Pants// jeans
Singing or Dancing// dancing
March or May// march
Halloween or Christmas// halloween
Coke or Pepsi// pepsi
Hug or Kiss// both
wow i'm really hyper/really bored