about some bitchy girls at swings and things, I promise it wont be boring if yoou read it!
sosweet129: i went to swings and things
sosweet129: for like two hours today..
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: when
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: omgzzzzzzzz
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: and you saw dan ddr'ing?
sosweet129: iw ish
sosweet129: * I wish
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: haha
sosweet129: *what the hell is ddr*
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: lmfao <3
sosweet129: well, yeah we were thre and stuiff
sosweet129: *stuff
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: your whole family?
sosweet129: no..my sisters and dad
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: how'd they like it?
sosweet129: they didn't
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: ._.
sosweet129: they loved it<33
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: how'd the love it?
sosweet129: lmfao
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: you were too fast
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: cuz i knew you were gonna say that
sosweet129: heeeeeeeeee
sosweet129: well i saw all of them girls
sosweet129: from last time
sosweet129: they come like everyday
sosweet129: or somehting
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: o____O
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: If I could drive and stuff I would too I guess
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: well like at least once a week
sosweet129: uhh, they didn't drive
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: haha i know
sosweet129: i saw them with their bikes
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: o_O i would not do that
sosweet129: yuhh, we went pass them in our car and they knew who i was, they were like int he middle of the road
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: lmao
sosweet129: well anyway, they were playing ddr, the one in the red shirt and the one in the black shirt that is short
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: yep
sosweet129: they wore the same clothes which was funny
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: haha
sosweet129: the red one was on heavy and the other one, which i hated more was on light and was getting boos
sosweet129: it wass funny
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: lmao
sosweet129: and then when they finished that song. the black shirt said i know i suck you dont hafta tell me
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: teehee
sosweet129: i was like yeah whatever i know you suck
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: I love all of Shell's stuff
sosweet129: and then after like a bajillion songs of getting boos, she's like do you wanna play against me, cuz she thought i play on light
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: HAHAHAHA
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: DID YOU?
sosweet129: and then we did and there was like a million hot guys around us that are replicas of that beach boy if you remember and i beat her and i whooped her ass on STandard while she was on light, and all the guys go *whoaaaaaaaaaa*
sosweet129: it was good
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: OMFG
sosweet129: she didn't get back on ddr until i left
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: *JEALOUSY*
sosweet129: yes
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: God that is so kickass
sosweet129: we were sitting behind her on those tables and my sister was complimenting me and saying that she sucked
sosweet129: *sigh*
sosweet129: that was the best
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: hahahahahahahahahaha <3
sosweet129: i wished you were there
sosweet129: <33333
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: Good day
bubblegum92@sbcglobal.net: aw ty
sosweet129: very good
sosweet129: day
HAHAHA LMFAO go meeeeeee