he has arrived!
in other words:
Michael Alexander Chavez
Born: Friday, September 1, 2006
Time of Birth: 5:13am
Weight: 8lb 9oz
Height: 22in long
Yeah Whitney called me this morning around 8 & told me that she'd
given birth at 5am that morning. Michael had arrived. Even though
I was upset that I wasn't at the hospital when he was born, I was more
happy that Whitney have finally had him. I /stay/ worried over that girl.
But anyway so after she call I told Mikey, Neal, Ty, Creg[i think he was sitting with us],
& Fred [I also texted Cherish & told her, Not that she ever has her phone with her]the
news of Whitney dilivering. So, I was like "I'm going to the hospital right
after school! Whose coming with?" & Mikey, Neal, & Ty raised their hands. So, we all played
[cell]phone number swap & Neal & Mikey called their parents asking if it was alright if
they could go to the hospital with me. Ty didn't & ended up not being able to go.
So, after school let out I took Ty home like normal & then headed to the hospital
with Neal & Mikey. We got there around 4pm & Whitney was tired, but cheerful as always.
Whitney's mom[beth] let me hold the baby, & even though he's a 'big baby' he's still so small
compaired to us! He's so cute. <3
So I held him till my elbow joint went to sleep, & then Whitney wanted to hold him, so I
gave Michael to her.
After that Neal & Mikey whipped out their cells & started taking pictures.
[Damn you two & your camera phones!]
But I couldn't take many because Whitney didn't like the flash on my camera.
So anyway when 5:13pm came we sang happy birthday to Michael because he was
offically 12 hours old! After that I got to hold Michael again. I sat on the floor &
propped him up with my knees. By that time Layla & Christie had shown up. We tried getting
Layla, Neal, Mikey, or Christie to hold Michael but they didn't want to. I dunno why.
Babies are adorible, but I think they were just afraid they'd hurt him, or at least that
was Layla's excuse.
Well after Layla & Christie left I think Whitney had to feed Michael, & she breast
feeds him, so Neal & Mikey were both like "-leeeeave-". But Whitney said they could
be in there so I made Mikey come away from his cancer stick he was smoking outside
& come back in along with Neal.
It felt like it took forever for Michael to start feeding.
The nurse said that in the first 24 hours babies are more
tired than they are hungry so they don't show a lot of interest in feeding.
But finally around 6:20ish Michael stared eating & he ate for about 10 minutes,
15 if you count attempted-at-the-end time. After he was fed I got to help change
his diper. I'm probably gonna have to do that a lot since Layla won't so I figured
I'd better start trying asap. xD
While they[nurse, whitney, beth] were trying to get Michael to feed, Chris &
Whitney's dad[Mike] showed up with food for Whitney & Beth. Not long after they
ate Chris' mom[i forget her name] showed up, & it was about 7pm by then.
Around 7:15 Neal, Mikey, & I left because Neal was /suppose/ to be back home
at 7:30. That didn't happen, just so you know.
So I dropped Mikey off a China Deilight, which was where his mom was. Then I
took Neal home.
When I finally got home I'd barly sat down & my mom's like "I hungry"
Me: "Yeah, me too. What's for dinner?"
Mom: "Well I was hoping you'd go to SubWay"
Me: "But you don't like Subway.."
Mom: "True, I don't like it too much, but you do"
So I ended up having to drive back to SubWay & get my mother & me dinner.
Said dinner made my mom a little sick.
Anyway after I get back & eat my mom & I talked about Whitney & the baby.
What else Whitney would need. That kind of stuff.
Then I got on the computer, & around 10pm my mom's like
"You gotta go get Kimberly from Amy's!"
& let's just get one thing straight.
I.Hate.Going to.Amy's.
I hate the road I have to drive down to get there. I hate going to that
house because I don't know how to act around those people I barly know.
I hate picking up Kimbetly period because she never wants to just leave
right when I get there, plus all that I'm dead tired!
So when I got back home I just got back on the computer & talked to
people like I always do. I ended up inviting Neal to go to the J&J flea market
with us tomorrow at 7:45/8am. He's excited about it, though it's not that thrilling,
unless he's just going to get a sword..ha.
Sometime tomorrow, probably around noon, I gotta take Neal & Mikey back
up to the hospital to see Whitney again.
So yeah. It's currently 2:40am. I think I'll go to bed now. :]