i would go out tonight, but i haven't got a stitch to wear.

Feb 27, 2005 19:43

me. too.
name:: Sara Emily Crawford
nickname:: sars
birthday:: November 30
birthplace:: Maryland
current mood:: totally crushing
current taste:: cheese pizza
current hair:: grungy
current clothes:: coat, bicycle shirt, jeans
current annoyance:: music selection
current smell:: none
current thing you ought to be doing:: peeing
current desktop picture:: a bunch of dead kids and a giant robot who appears to be celebrating
current favorite band:: Kill Kill Keyboard
current book:: a.h.w.o.s.g.
current cd in stereo:: modest mouse
current crush:: rice. literally.
current favorite celeb:: jessica simpson and husband nick lachey
smoke:: No way
do drugs:: of course!
have a dream that keeps coming back:: not lately
remember your first real love:: yeah
still love them:: i think about mitch from 3rd grade everyday
read the newspaper:: not ever
have any gay or lesbian friends:: i often wonder
believe in miracles:: not sure
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever:: yeh
consider yourself tolerant of others:: absolutely not
consider love a mistake:: no
like the taste of alcohol:: some
have a favorite candy:: no
believe in astrology:: no
believe in magic:: obviously
believe in God: hes my dad
have any pets:: yes
got to or plan to go to college:: yes
have any piercings:: not anymore
have any tattoos:: well there is a portrait of kyle on my lower back, i think that counts
hate yourself:: no way, i love myself and hink im the greatest human there ever been
have an obsession:: yes
have a secret crush:: i forget
have a best friend:: yes
wish on stars:: movie stars
care about looks:: no
love life:: clams cant dance
first crush:: zack from saved by the bell
single or taken:: 99% angel
ever been in love:: yeah...mitch duh.
do you believe in love at first sight:: not sure
describe your ideal significant other:: nice hands.

word association.
rubber:: coffee
rock:: kill
green:: tea
wet:: womb
cry:: jonathan taylor thomas
peanut:: catheter
cold:: car
steamy:: pants
freaky:: frankenstein
rain:: indian
bite:: train

hair:: brown
eyes:: bluegreen
height:: 5 ft twelve...heh.

last thing you bought:: eyeliner
ate + drank:: pizza and milk.
read:: vice

club or house party:: house
beer or cider:: cider
drinks or shots:: shots
cats or dogs:: dogs
single or taken:: both
pen or pencil:: pencil
gloves or mittens:: mittens
food or candy:: Food
cassette or cd:: cd

have you ever.
dated one of your best friends:: not likely
loved somebody so much it made you cry:: yes
drank alcohol:: yuh
done drugs:: yuh
broken the law:: yuh
run away from home:: no
broken a bone:: yes
played truth or dare:: yes
kissed someone you didn`t know:: yes
been in a fight:: yes
come close to dying:: i wonder...
the most embarrasing cd in your collection:: i love em all
what is your bedroom like:: clean!
your favorite thing for breakfast:: french toast
last person you talked to:: todd
IMed:: zach
hugged:: richard
kissed:: richard.
had a serious conversation with:: meg i think
yelled at:: todd
befriended:: tina moore

random questions.
what`s on your bedside table:: cd player, cds, books, fabric, dirty dishes, pencils, pictures, wrappers, crayons
what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night:: cheese
what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie:: the life aquatic
if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done:: asian eyes
what feature are you most insecure about:: butt crack?
do you ever have to beg:: no way
are you a pyromaniac:: me too
do you know anyone famous:: yes
describe your bed:: spacious
spontaneous or plain:: cartwheels
do you know how to play poker:: absolutely not
what do you carry with you at all times:: life sized bam margera doll
how do you drive:: well
what do you miss most about being little:: simplicity
how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year:: thirty dollars
what color is your bedroom:: yellow
what was the last song you were listening to:: make everyone happy/mechanical birds-modest mouse
do you talk a lot:: only to certain people
do you like yourself and believe in yourself:: not
do you think you`re cute:: i only have a nice booty
do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you:: no
do people in general annoy you:: of course.
pick a word that describes you best:: dull
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