Hello, you were undoubtably sent this email because the admin of this site, myself, has discovered your email address online, and was led to believe you had a sudden or eternal interest in poetry or writing or more specifically the likes of ee cummings, and I can't forget to mention Pablo Picasso.
http://www.mindflowers.co.uk is an online community/forum/mad house that is devoted to the arts. You can post your own personally written poetry/prose/anything here, and we also have section for artwork and photography, and much more.
I do hope you accept this invitation, and join your fellow artists at MindFlowers dot coe dot yookay!!
Comments 6
i miss you
and I have a cold too.
i want to take yoga!
mee neither
Hello, you were undoubtably sent this email because the admin
of this site, myself, has discovered your email address online,
and was led to believe you had a sudden or eternal interest in poetry
or writing or more specifically the likes of ee cummings,
and I can't forget to mention Pablo Picasso.
http://www.mindflowers.co.uk is an online community/forum/mad house that is devoted to the arts.
You can post your own personally written poetry/prose/anything
here, and we also have section for artwork and photography, and much more.
I do hope you accept this invitation, and join your fellow artists
at MindFlowers dot coe dot yookay!!
Hope to see ya there!
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