dead pope

Apr 03, 2005 12:27

Yesterday was a good up at five went for a run, went to work, had a shit day, got yelled at for doing everything wrong....cutting my pants, etc., then came home got honked at driving, and finally made it into the shower. Had a nice shower, and we got on the road to Old Navy. Let me tell you, that was an adventure in itself. There were ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

*hug* rredletterdayy April 3 2005, 18:45:04 UTC
You two are both my friends,
I hope things work out best for
the both of you.


Re: *hug* sarah_bg_1021 April 4 2005, 01:14:23 UTC
thanks Jon. It definitly is so much better now. But I needed that hug


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