my uterus hurts.

Apr 18, 2007 14:30


Your Sensitivity Score: 44%

As far as sensitivity goes, you're a lot more in tune than most people.
You can't help but be touched by what's around you - good and bad.
But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down.
Are You Extremely Sensitive?

You Are 48% Manic

You are definitely super charged, and your energy is infectious!
Your mania is something to be proud of. You wouldn't be you without it.
Just make sure not to give into that self destructive streak of yours.
Are You Manic?

You Are an Egg that Looks Like a Chicken

Cute but totally completely confused.
What Kind of Easter Egg Are You?

You Are Sensual Sexy

You exude a luxurious sensuality in your everyday life
Turning heads everywhere you go, it's all about your sexy attitude.
You're naturally hot - gorgeous in both sweats and stilettos.
Your biggest problem is that your ultra sexy self sometimes scares men away.
What Kind of Sexy Girl Are You?

You Are a Bunny Pop

It takes a whole lot more than three licks to get to your center. You cheeky bunny!
What Easter Candy Are You?
... wtf?

You Are a Pinky

You are fiercely independent, and possibly downright weird.
A great communicator, you can get along with almost anyone.
You are kind and sympathetic. You support all your friends - and love them for who they are.

You get along well with: The Ring Finger

Stay away from: The Thumb
What Finger Are You?
... also wtf?

You Are Not a Cheapskate

When it comes to money, you're very fair.
You're generous when you can be, and you never cheat anyone out of what they deserve.
If you have the money, you enjoy splurging. But you never overspend.
Are You a Cheapskate?

Your Mind is 68% Cluttered

Your mind is quite cluttered. And like most clutter, it's a bunch of crap you don't need.
Try writing down your worst problems and fears. And then put them out of your mind for a while.
How Cluttered is Your Mind?

You Are 80% Feminist

You are certainly a feminist - whether you know it or not.
You believe in gender equality, at least most of the time. You also believe there are a few exceptions.
Are You a Feminist?
em... feminism is not the same thing as gender equality... grr.

There's a 43% Chance That You Need Therapy

If you think you need therapy, you probably do. But there's a good chance you don't.
Like everyone else, you have your fair share of problems. And unlike most people, you're fairly good at solving them yourself.
Do You Need Therapy?

You Are 33% Bitchy

You're a pretty sweet person, and you're definitely not prone to bitchy outbursts.
Sometimes, though, you can't help thinking mean thoughts about people. But at least you don't act on them!
How Bitchy Are You?

You Are An Atheist

God? No thanks. You're not buying into any religion.
They're all bunk to you. You rather focus on what you know is true.
You may be a passive non-believer or a rabid atheist activist.
But one thing is for sure... no one's going to make you go to church!
Are You an Atheist, Agnostic or a Believer?
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