Today, I went to Sarah's house. She taught me some of the jumps for cheerleading. I can do the pike, straddle, and hurkey. Then, we went to the Gummo's to go swimming. I did all of my jumps perfect of the diving board. It was awsome
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Hey, It's Stephanie:) In your friends, you have PiinkPolkaDot added without an "s" at the end, so instead of viewing my LJ, you are viewing some Taylor girls from a different state:P hehe. Just letting you know<33. lovin'ss, Stephanie. xoxo
Ill tell you this again.. you are not going to find hot guys at the clinton county fair, unless josh is there.. oh guess what holla bak girl just came on :-P
I said if it was possible. I know it most likely wont happen. Plus, Josh is so not hott, but I was thinking someone different! HaHa. It was sooooo funny tonight at the fair. I watched my ex almost kill himself. It was freekin halarious.
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