Coincidentally, the source of that code was the daily pop-up message you got when logging on to the CompSci net at York. I had to explain it to my classmate (Danny Suave, Yugoslav - I wonder where he is now), not because he didn't get the 'code' but because he'd never heard the song!
Comments 4
While $Date = Dec24
will assign Dec24 to $Date and return true, rather than test for equivalence. It should be:
While $Date == Dec24
Or Santa will be stuck in that loop for every day of the year.
[Sorry, couldn't resist! :-) Been a Perl hacker way too long...]
I had to explain it to my classmate (Danny Suave, Yugoslav - I wonder where he is now), not because he didn't get the 'code' but because he'd never heard the song!
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