It just takes some time, little girl, you're in the middle of the ride...

Oct 05, 2004 20:37

I haven't ljd for ages I know, and todays no real exception! except to say I think I must be some kind of fucking freak. I just do.
I miss him still, but he hates me. I wish I could grow up and move on but right now I can't!
so erm, if ure all missing me then...have a survey to remember me by...

hobbes2pt0's Atmosphere survey

Created by hobbes2pt0 and taken 494 times on bzoink!
Without moving from your chair, answer these questions.Without looking guess the time?8.30Were you right?yes :o)Is the room you are in dark?nopeWhat song are you listening to?New Found Glory-My Friends Over YouHow about before that?taking back sunday-a decade under the influenceHow many soda cans can you see? What kind?none...except the soda cans in my mind...Pick up the closest object to you, what is it?a wagn train timetableCan you see out a window, if so what do you see?no! goddamn curtains!How long have you been logged into AIM?about 10 minutesHow many people are you IMing?2 *ha i suck :o(*If you could have any one person in the room with you who would it be?adamWhat are you wearing (not to sound like a pervert)short denim skirt, pink shirt, purple hoodie, cut off tights, black all starsWhat were you doing before you came online?watching holby city and eating spaghettiWhat is the last thing you ate?a liquorice cream rocky thingyTurn the music off, what can you hear?tv noisesWhat do you see when you look to your left?the window, well, the curtains and a bedHow about the right?a cupboard doorWhat is on your mouse pad?'DELL'What is your desktop picture?a pony called tommy :o)Have you visited within the last hour?yesName fthree other objects that you can reach by only moving your arms.1)joystick2)phone3)mouseTry typing the phrase " I type well" with your nose, do not fix mistakes.i 5type bwellTilt your chair back, how lon did you stay balanced?i didnt-my chair has wheels!Where do you wish you were?somewhere i most want to beWhat will you do after this?meh, erm, sleep?Diagnosis: YOU ROCK, good job.
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I'm lying to myself and this dagger's my excuse.
5 days and counting.
over and out.
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