The sunset on the way to the party tonight was so pretty. This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had to take a picture of it anyway.
The surprise went off pretty well, Russell had no idea what was going on, at first. He said when he walked in he saw balloons and kind of figured it out before we yelled out the "Surprise!" Matt and I thought it would be a good idea to yell, "LET'S GET PISSED", instead of "Surprise". But everyone stuck with the norm, how truly boring...yay. Where's your sense of adventure people? :oD
We got a picture of Russell's suprised face, but all of the lights were out it was too dark and I couldn't fix it enough to post it.
Missy is going to hate me, but I loved this picture. I thought the coloring came out really I'm posting it. SO THERE!
That pretty girl next to her is Russell's wife, Sarah. Great name huh?
Random pics.
Here's my brother-in-law....every single picture taken of him tonight was exactly the same. Just like he said it would be. :) That face cracks me up every single time.
Me and my Missy (a.k.a.
sassymra77 for those of you who are new here and don't know...she's my twin sister).
And then Sarah the lovely hostess, once again.
Here is one of our sweetest friends, Lisa. I have known her for almost 12 years now...she's an artist and a beautiful person. It's been over a year since I've seen her, so that was really nice.
As soon as I walked into the door my eyes locked in on this lady in the kitchen area preparing food. I realized soon after that, that it's my daughter's bus driver!!!!! I couldn't believe it, she's Russell's mom!
What a small world! We talked forever, she's the sweetest lady.
Not to mention I got to hear lots of really neat things about my daughter. ^_^
This is Lisa's husband, Steve. They lived with us for about 6 months when they were first married....lots of fun stories there folks. I'll refrain though, for their sake. :)
Me drinking the most delicious wine I've had in a looong time. It's called Bouteille Call. Pronounced "Booty Call"...seriously. There's a monkey on the front looking up a ladies skirt. It was delcious though, we bought a bottle. I'll take a picture for your amusement soon.
I was looking through all of the pictures...there were a bunch taken of me. All of them when I was drinking.
This one says it all...."Stop taking pictures of me".
Everyone has to have one of these stuffed in the face. Niiiiiiiice.
It's so classy right?
Hey Missy, can I borrow your chapstick? My lips hurt real bad.
Now I'm sitting at home, in my comfy clothes, drinking some of 'dis....
Chocolate Port baby! In an official Port glass and everything, isn't it so cute?
So, who wants to join me?