1. What was the first car your family had?:
For the first few years of my life we had a black Lincoln, that I barely remember, the only thing I remember about it was the burning leather seats. THE car that we had up until 1999 was the bright yellow 86 Volvo. So I consider that our "first" family car since we got it when I was gonna start Kindergarten and my sister was turning only 3.
2. What was the name of your first pet and why?
Well I had 2 goldfish (hansel and gretel) that I guess were pets, but they died when my sis accidentally knocked the bowl over (I wasn't told that until I was an adult). I consider my first (and only) real pet to be my cat Holly. I got her for getting my tonsils out.
3. How did it die?
She was hit by a truck on the main street off of our street.
4. What was the name of your elementary school?
St. Patrick School (St. Pat's for short)
5. Who was your first best friend?
Jonathan. Our parents were best friends and got pregnant together with us, and then our siblings.
6. Are you still friends today, and if not, what happened?
nope. we dated my senior year of high school. he said he wanted to marry me when we left college, but then went to Florida and saw other "interests" and of course he was "scared" because he loved me "too much" - very sad, love his mom and bro, he just turned into a dick.
7. What was your favorite board game?
Classic: Clue ---- New: Scene It
8. Did you play house or other make believe games?:
totally, all the time. In the summer we would use my grandparent's beach house as a "hotel"
9. Were you into Dungeons and Dragons?
not really, I was more of a play outside kinda girl
10. Did you sleep with stuffed animals as a kid?
um, duh - come on
11. Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?:
yup, a pillow is too big to sleep with so I use a small stuffed animal - but I end up sleeping with Jared's full length body pillow a lot, because he likes to put it on my side of the bed :P
12. Who was the first person you looked up to when you were younger?
this is going to sound bad, but i honestly don't think i looked up to anyone. I was the big sister and i knew i wanted to go to a big 4 year university, which no one in my family had done before, so i think i had ideas i looked up to, but i didn't have like a "hero" - i definitely admired my family though.
13. Who was your favorite relative?
geez, i have no idea. I like the majority for various reasons. I suppose Nana and Pappy were the most fun growing up and now as an adult, aunt patti and i have very similar personalities, but I don't have a favorite relative
14. Were you short or tall in elementary school?:
I was the tallest up until 8th grade, then I was the tallest in High School until about Junior year
15. Were you teased in school?
all the time until HS. I HATED 4-8th grade. The people I went to school with are all drop outs and losers now though, so neener neener
16. What was the name of your favorite teacher?
Sr. Nancy. She was my 1st grade teacher and always had fun art projects
17. What was the name of your least favorite teacher?
Sr. Anne. She was aways rude and insulting to even the best students. And if, godforbid, you asked a question, she treated you like you were the stupidest person ever. She taught English. I know the last answer was a nun also, I did go to Catholic school, but I didn't really have that many nuns.
18. What was your best subject in school?
I suppose art the one year in high school is was a "subject" - other than that English.
19. What was your worst subject in school?
In general Math, but the worst was Trig in Junior year of HS. I actually needed extra help after school, which was ridiculous as I never ever needed that before.
20. Did you do well in Physical Education?
I always got an S (for Satisfactory) which was the highest grade, but in general, I was ok at gym.
21. Were you clumsy when you were younger?
ha, still am
22. Who was your favorite band as a kid?
um, Raffi :P
23. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
Anything Disney and animated.
24. Did your parents read to you?
25. Did you have a favorite book?
no, I was such a bookworm. I was reading when I was 3 and starting at 5 I was always 3-5 years ahead on my reading level. I can't have a favorite book. Although, Dr. Seuss is always high up there.
26. What was your favorite restaurant as a kid?
Kowloon, still one of my favorites.
27. On what TV or movie star did you have a crush?
oh geez, um - Mike Seaver on Growing Pains, All the guys on Boy Meets World, Elijah Wood in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Johnny Depp (as always), JTT (ha) on Home Improvement - I can't remember anymore and I would definitely not call them "crushes" they were just nice to look at.
28. Do you now wonder what you were thinking?
um, maybe for some, but Johnny Depp is still in my top 5 ;)
29. Who was your first crush in school?
um, a kid named John in 1st grade. All the guys in my school were jerks though. Attractive, going no where jerks, but still.
30. As a child, what kind of car did you want when you grew up?
NOT a Volvo ;)
31. Did your parents spank you ?
ha, yeah. Mom, never ever Dad. She would slap our bottoms if we were being particularly bad. She stopped when I went to slap her back and was slightly taller than her. I was definitely NOT abused, and I don't look back with anger. I find the whole thing funny knowing my Mom is as weak as she is :P
32. Did your parents fight a lot when you were a kid?
they had their fights, but I wouldn't say a lot
33. Did your parents get separated or stay married?
They're still married, it'll be 30 yrs in May.
34. If they got divorced, how old were you when it happened?
35. Did you ever run away from home?
ha, yeah, I was laughed at by my parents. When I actually got out of the house w/o them looking, I went to my grandparents house, one block over :P
36. Did you wear glasses?
yes, since I was 4. I wore them all the time from K-8 but realized in HS that I only really needed them to see the board. I "needed" glasses mostly to protect my right eye cause my left is only good for peripheral not actual sight. I still have to wear glasses while driving, although now I actually need them to see the signs, not just for protection :P
37. Did you need braces or a retainer?
oh MAN. I had braces from 2nd - 4th grade, THEN a retainer until 7th grade. Back in braces up until the last week before I graduated. Then a permanent retainer until I had my wisdom teeth removed. I have been metal free since I was 19.
38. If you're male, how old were you when you had your first wet
Ha - not male, nice question.
39. Both sexes when did you start shaving?
My mom is the total opposite of me. You wouldn't know it by looking at her now, but she was SUCH a blond 70s chick, very girly. So when I was TEN she had my shave my legs because she wanted me to wear nylons under shorts to school for a dress up day in 5th grade. They specifically said NO SHORTS and mom was like, what you look dressed, you possibly can't get in trouble. UM YEAH I DID. and I said my mom made me and they didn't believe that my mom would force me to get dressed in nylons and stupid pleated plaid shorts. Still haven't really gotten over that.
40. Girls when did you start wearing a bra?
again, 10. Although I hid it under the sink in the towels until I got a comfortable NON-LACY one (again, mom was WAY too girly for me. And I'm sorry, but lace on a 10 year old itches.
41. What was your first kiss like?
it was the perfect kiss. We had been working up to it for a week and we were at his family's BBQ and we went out to the front lawn where no one else was and he kissed me, soft and sweet. And then said, "I've been waiting so long to do that." Yeah, the relationship only lasted 2 months, but that first kiss was still nice.
42. What did you do on your first date?
um, I don't remember - HA. I know he took me to the prom, but we weren't dating. Although I suppose the last half of the prom (Jr.) could be considered the first date since we decided we liked each other after that.
43. How old were you when you first drank?
I had champaign at Jared's New Year's Eve party a month and a half before I turned 21. Although, I had sips of Dad's beer WAY before that :P
44. How old were you when you first tried drugs?
um, no
45. Where was your first house?
Lawrence where my parents still live - Merrimack Valley wOOt - so ghetto, not where the parents live, that's too close to Andover, but the other side of the city ain't pretty.