Endicott Rex A
Torquere Press Arcana
By Lee Benoit
Format: PDF
Pages: 37
Category: M/M
Series/Sequel: Sequel to Dragonwalker from
Another Fine Mess Rating: Awesome
Sorry this review is delayed. I actually read it more than 2 weeks ago (or maybe it was 4).
I loved Dragonwalker, and this story was a wonderful sequel! I enjoy reading the world through Endi’s eyes. His dog, Lomi and other dogs in Endicott have mysteriously been given dragon power, and it’s Endi’s task to be their advocate.
There are so many aspects and layers to this story. Chief, Endi’s lover, is a wonderful character, too, as is David, his blind friend. I’m hoping for a third story featuring David, but I won’t push. Endi and Chief are a perfect couple.