YES! The Newsroom. Except I liked Season One better than Season Two. I found the episodes this season uneven. Some episodes had no internal conclusion. Even with an ongoing plot each episode needs to have a self contained story. I was actually bored by one of them (don't remember which one which proves my boredom)
I regularly check Chris Hayes. Of late I've found him a little too "wired" - too intense and noisy. It takes away from the seriousness of the subject. I begin to suspect MSNBC wants to pitch him to a younger audience. Make him the Millennials Man. In so doing they could lose a part of their audience which would be a pity.
I've read reviews on the Liebovich book. There was an excerpt from it somewhere.
Thanks for not giving away the end of the newsroom. I have the episodes recorded and plan to watch them when I get home. I haven't read The Town yet and now wish I had it for the long plane ride I'm about to take. Instead I'm reading a book called The Next Hundred Years, which is how long it will take me to get home!
My computer is jumping around and I can't answer some wonderful comments.. I'll get to you all when this instrument starts behaving properly. Thank you. xxxSelma
Comments 5
Except I liked Season One better than Season Two. I found the episodes this season uneven. Some episodes had no internal conclusion. Even with an ongoing plot each episode needs to have a self contained story. I was actually bored by one of them (don't remember which one which proves my boredom)
I regularly check Chris Hayes. Of late I've found him a little too "wired" - too intense and noisy. It takes away from the seriousness of the subject. I begin to suspect MSNBC wants to pitch him to a younger audience. Make him the Millennials Man. In so doing they could lose a part of their audience which would be a pity.
I've read reviews on the Liebovich book. There was an excerpt from it somewhere.
Yes, eschew all you mentioned.
Both books you mention sound interesting, especially "Breach of Trust", adding both to a very long list:)
Hope all is well with you:)
I don't watch television,maily because I don't have cable and free to air is crap.
That first book sounds interesting, I'll keep an eye out for it.
I hope you are doing OK
instrument starts behaving properly.
Thank you.
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