Just got home from work and proceeded to puke my guts out after being nausious all afternoon. Damn lunch. Tokyo Express ain't that good going down. Its only worse coming up.
I think I am insane. I have three children in my house right now, and another on the way. It is sleepover party night. A total of four kids ranging in age from 4-6. So, I am either insane or really smart to be getting all of my favors over with at once, I am not sure yet. I'll decide sometime in the next 4 hours or so.
Had my last wisdom tooth pulled today. Rah. Saw Josh this morning, that was kewl. He was happy to see me. Had to get him outta trouble for jumping outta line, though. :)Well, Im gonna go rest.
Quick update: Christmas is here, my aunt is the rudest bitch ever (the few that have met her know this) but it takes one hell of one to make ruse comments about you as your kid opens presents. Im not gonna go there rightnow though. I still have no computer at home. Love you all.