Odyssey to do list (updated 05/07)

Jun 27, 2013 17:48

1. Make new robe for King Sarpedon (this was promised for June but never happened, the one from the crew pile would fit two Sarpedons). Essential prerequisite: Some vague design. David identifies and purchases some material he likes that I am happy to work with. Material purchased, design half done (in head)

2. Take six inches off Poppaea's palla to remove risk of trips and water wicking.

3. New outfit for Poppaea, incorporating a warmer tunic. Essential prerequisite: find appropriate material, be happy with colour schemes. Finished.

4. Sort out an appropriate bag for Poppaea, or maybe several. I might run up quick bags to match each outfit. Poppaea cares you see. Bag made. Need to consider one for the older outfit

5. Find way to salvage impractical, non wind-proof dress, possibly using curtain weights. Low priority.

6. Find IC notebook, if necessary just make one out of appropriate paper. Found one in a box. More paper added, notes made.

EDIT - added: 7. Paint shield cover. Paint bought, loose mud cleaned off, base layer of paint added. I do fear the shield is on its last legs. Might have only one event in it...
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