(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 22:40

A is for age: 16 years
B is for boyfriend: Daniel Tobin
C is for career: Microbiologist/Modern Dancer
D is for dream: To have a family and be well off
E is for eye color: Dark Brown
F is for favorite thing to do: Dance
G is for girlfriend: Lauren, Autumn, Amy, [edit:] John, Others
H is for hair color: Dark Brown
I is for interesting fact: I have an abnormally large birthmark on my thigh
J is for job: I tutor, but that hardly constitutes as a job
K is for kin: My sisters Ashley and Danielle, and my parents
M is for music: My favorites are classic rock, alternative rock, classical, but I tend to like anything that isn't rap, country, or techno
N is for nickname: Lovely Lady, Chubs
O is for opinions: On what? I have a lot of opinions
P is for phobia[s]: Falling down, going down stairs, small cylindrical spaces, not being in control of myself
Q is for quote that describes you: "The opposite of war is not peace, but creation." Or something like that
R is for real you: Laid back
S is for style: Whatever I can find on the floor
T is for time right now: 10.45 pm, but my clocks tend to be fast
U is for unique trait: I have freckles in my right eye (left to you)
V is for vacation wish-spot: Warm beach, anywhere
W is for worst habit: Chewing on my lips
X is for x-rated things you've done: Hmmm
Y is for your most asked question: Question I ask the most, I'm assuming. "What did they say?"
Z is for zodiac sign: Taurus

Oh I tried so hard to get Dan's present to be a good one, but of course we don't have half the materials at home that I thought we did, and we ran out of tape so it's a crappy wrapping job too. It's the thought that counts with gifts! I swear!
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