Title: We’re drifting, over the edge. Pairing: Liam/Louis (unrequited) Harry/Louis. Rating: PG13 Warning: Angst. Mentions of suicide. Summary: For Liam, he is destruction.
Title taken from Fall - Ed Sheeran. ( Read more... )
You didn't need to be worried at all. When you can write something that is this beautiful when you haven't written in a while, you know that you have talent.
Wow thank you! I just decided that the world didn't have enough angsty, abstracty LiLo. I've started what I think will either be a Larry or a Zouis, so there might be some more up soon! X
This was BEAUTIFUL. But also so incredibly heart breaking that I feel like If I don't get a sequel here I might throw 500 knifes through my heart. Because OW.
Comments 7
You write really well and I hope you write more in the future x
I've started what I think will either be a Larry or a Zouis, so there might be some more up soon! X
Because OW.
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